\version "2.19.17" \language "deutsch" %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------Header und Abkürzungen------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \header { tagline = ##f } global = { \key d\minor \time 3/2 \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'((end . (((1 . 16) . (4 4 4 4 4 4))))) } voiceFive = #(context-spec-music (make-voice-props-set 4) 'Voice) voiceSix = #(context-spec-music (make-voice-props-set 5) 'Voice) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %--------------------------musikalischer Inhalt-------------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ einsNoten = { \repeat volta 2 { << \new Voice { \voiceOne f''2^\markup { \translate #'(-7 . 3) \bold "Sarabande" } e''2. f''4 | g''4.\turn a''8 fis''2.\prall fis''4 | g''2 e'' d''8 cis'' d''4 | cis''2. h'4 a'2 | c'' h'2. cis''4 | d''4 e'' cis''2.\prall d''4 | e''8 f'' e'' f'' f''2.\prall e''4 \break | e''1. } \new Voice { \voiceTwo d''2 b'1 | a'2 a'1 | d''2 b' h' | a'1 e'2 | a' g'1 | gis'2 a' g' | b' a' gis'~ | gis'4 gis' a'1 } \new Voice { % numbers don’t need to be prefixed with # anymore \voiceTwo \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 0.3 a'2 g'1 | s1. | \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 0.4 g'2 g' f' } >> } \repeat volta 2{ << \new Voice { \voiceOne e''2 e''1~ | e''2 es''1 | d''2 e''2. f''4 | e''2. d''4 c''2 | f''2 g''2. a''4 | a'' g'' g'' a'' a''8 b'' e''4 | f'' d'' e''2.\upprall f''4 | f''1. | a''2 g''4 fis'' e'' d'' | b'' g'' e''2. f''4 | g''4 e'' cis''2.\prall d''4 | e'' cis'' a'1~ | a'4 h' c'' a' h' cis'' | d'' h' cis'' d'' e'' cis'' | d''4~ d''16 e'' d''32 cis'' d'' e'' e''2.\prall d''4 | d''1. } \new Voice { \voiceTwo a'2 b'2. a'4 | g'2 f'1~ | f'2 g' a' | g'1 g'2 | c''1. | d''2 c'' b' | a' g'4 a' b'2~ | b'4 g' a'1 | d''1 c''2 | b'2. a'4 g'2 | a' a' f' | e'1. | d'1~ d'4 e' | f' d' e' f' g' e' | f' b' a'2 g'~ | g'4 e' f'1 } >> } } zweiNoten = { { << \new Voice { \voiceOne d'2 d'1 | e'2 d'1 | d'2 s1 | e'2 d' cis' | d'2 d'1 | e'1 d'2 | g d' h~ | h4 h cis'1 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo d2 s1 | cis'2 c'1 | b2 g gis | a1 g2 | fis f1 | e2 g b | cis d1 | a1. } >> } { << \new Voice { \voiceOne cis'2 cis'1~ | cis'2 c'1~ | c'2 b c' | c' d' e' | f'1.~ | f'1 g'2 | c' c'~ c'~ | c'4 b c'1 | d'1.~ | d'1. | cis'2 e' a~ | a2. b4 a g | fis1 g2 | gis g1 | a4 d~ d h, cis2 | d1. } \new Voice { \voiceTwo a2 g2. a4 | b8 g a4 a2.\upprall a4 | b a g2 f | c'~ c' b | a g f | b a g | a4 b c'2 c | f1. | fis2 e fis | g a b | a g4 f e d | cis1. | c1 h,2~ | h, b,1 | a,4 g, a,1 | d,1. } >> } } ossiaNoten = { { \startStaff << \new Voice { \voiceOne a'16 d'' e'' f''~ f''8 e'' e''1 \stopStaff | s1 s4 \startStaff e''8 fis'' | g''2 f''8 e''~ e''4 e''16 d'' cis'' d''16~ d''4 | d''4 cis''2 h'4 a'2 | \grace { d'16 a' h' \once \override Tie.thickness = #0.5 c''~ } c''2 c''16 a' h'8~ h'2 cis''4 | cis''8 d''16 e'' f''8 e''16 d'' cis''2.\prall d''4 | e''8 g''16 f'' e'' f'' e'' f'' f''2.\prall e''4 \break | e''1. } \new Voice { % no need for a tuplet – scale duration instead \voiceTwo s16 d''4*3/4 ~ d''4 b'1 | s1. | d''2 b' h' | a'1 e'2 | \grace { % note the tweak for the tie – eases reading and typing s16 a'4*3/4 -\tweak thickness 0.5 ~ } a'2 g'1 | gis'2 a' g' | b' a' gis'~ | gis'4 gis' a'1^\mordent } \new Voice { \voiceTwo a'4~ a' g'1 | s1. | g'2 g' f' | s1. | \grace { d'4 -\tweak thickness 0.5 ~ } d'2 d'1 } >> \stopStaff } { s1.*3 | \startStaff << { f''4 e''2 d''4 c''2 } \\ { g'1 g'2 } >> \stopStaff s1.*7 \startStaff << { e''8 d'' cis'' h' a'1 } \\ { e'1. } >> \stopStaff } } ossiazweiNoten = { { s1.*4 | \startStaff fis2 f1 \stopStaff | s1. | s2 \startStaff << { d'4. c'8 h2~ | h4 h cis'1\mordent } \\ { d1 | a1. } >> \stopStaff } { s1.*7 \startStaff << { s4 b c'1 } \\ { f2. b4 a g } >> \stopStaff } } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %-----------------------------------Partituraufbau--------------------------- %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noten = { << \new StaffGroup { \new Staff = "ossia" \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" alignAboveContext = "main" \hide Clef \hide KeySignature \magnifyStaff #2/3 \global } { \override Staff.BarLine.allow-span-bar = ##f \key d\minor \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'() \stopStaff \ossiaNoten } } \new StaffGroup { << \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiterHierarchy = #'(SystemStartBar (SystemStartBracket (SystemStartBrace a b))) \new Staff = "eins" \with { \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver" } { \global \set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t { \einsNoten } } \new Staff = "zwei" { \global \clef bass \override Staff.BarLine.allow-span-bar = ##f { \zweiNoten } } >> } \new StaffGroup { \new Staff = "ossia2" \with { \clef bass \remove "Time_signature_engraver" alignBelowContext = #"main" \time 4/4 \hide KeySignature \hide Clef \magnifyStaff #2/3 } { \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'() \key d\minor \stopStaff \ossiazweiNoten } } >> } %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %-----------------------------------Layout----------------------------------- %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \score { << \Noten >> } \layout { \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 3 \omit BarNumber \omit SystemStartBar \override SystemStartBracket.style = #'bar-line \override SystemStartBracket.padding = -0.1 \override SystemStartBracket.thickness = 1.6 } \context { \StaffGroup \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 7) (minimum-distance . 5) (padding . 1.5)) } } #(set-global-staff-size 16) #(set! paper-alist (cons '("custom-size" . (cons (* 200 mm) (* 300 mm))) paper-alist)) \paper { % no parentheses needed around \draw-hline system-separator-markup = \markup \draw-hline system-system-spacing #'padding = 6 system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = 25 #(set-paper-size "custom-size" 'landscape) print-page-number = ##t print-first-page-number = ##t oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \null %evenHeaderMarkup = \markup \null oddFooterMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string } } %evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup % evenHeader- and -FooterMarkup automatically inherit % their values from the odd variants, if unset }