\version "2.18.0" global = { \key g \major \time 6/8 \partial 8 % baseMoment is 1/8 by default (determined from the denominator of the time signature) % no need to set beatStructure either % beamExceptions for 6/8 are not set by default (see scm/time-signature-settings.scm) \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'((end . (((1 . 24) . (3 3 3 3 3 3))))) % the following is the same in 2.19.x syntax %\set Timing.beamExceptions = \beamExceptions { % \scaleDurations 2/3 { \repeat unfold 6 { 16[ 16 16] } } } } \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "upper" \relative c'' { \global %\clef treble \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f % I’d use a markup for naming the variation. r8^\markup \bold { Variation 5 } | \tuplet 3/2 { r16 d'-3 c b bes-3 a } g8-. \tuplet 3/2 { r16 c-3 b a gis g-2 } fis8-. | } \new Staff = "lower" \relative c { \global %\clef treble 8-. | d16 b c a b g a g fis e d c | b } >> }