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Re: hide and omit behaviour

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: hide and omit behaviour
Date: Mon, 07 Sep 2015 10:16:20 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Michael Gerdau <address@hidden> writes:

> [forget my last mail...hit return too early while checking my example...]
>> I am trying to achieve this for triplets:
>> The first triplet should show the number, the following not. In rare
>> cases, I would like to force the triplet number again. I tried to do
>> this with \omit TupletNumber, but there is one problem as this snippet
>> shows:
> [snippet snipped]
>> How can I achieve a "showTupletNumberOnce" like I tried with
>> \once \undo \omit TupletNumber? Or is the only possibility to do \undo
>> and then again \omit after wards?
> I don't know but I guess the "\once" does not work in this case
> because it pops the "\omit" off the stack and does not push it back.
> Not sure pushing things back is part of the "\once" functionality.

It isn't.  Correct.  Plain context properties don't have either stack or
the subproperty complications of \override, so \once\unset, as opposed
to \once\revert, indeed works.

> As I understand "\once" something like 
> "\once \show TupletNumber"
> would work but I don't know of it's existance...

Try looking in the manual for how to set the _style_ of tuplet numbers.
I think this works by overriding the stencil callback, so just doing
\once followed by whatever would reestablish the normal tuplet look is
likely to work.

David Kastrup

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