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Re: mixed \time

From: BB
Subject: Re: mixed \time
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2015 14:32:15 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.2.0

Indeed my starting point was
In reality I did not mix \time, but changed the code for the question.

The original code was/is


\version "2.19.0"

#(set-global-staff-size 22)

\layout {

\context {


%\remove "Timing_translator"

\remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"



\new Staff {

%\key c \major

\relative c'


<>^"penatonic scale"

f4-"f" g4-"g" bes-"bes" c-"c" d-"d" f-"f"

\bar "||"

f-"f" d-"d" c-"c" bes-"bes" g-"g" f-"f"

\bar "||"



\new Staff {

%\key c \major

\relative c'


<>^"penatonic scale + blue note b5"

f4-"f" g4-"g" b-"b" bes-"bes" c-"c" d-"d" f-"f"

\bar "||"

f-"f" d-"d" c-"c" b-"b" bes-"bes" g-"g" f-"f"

\bar "||"


} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

I tried different combinations for \layout{} from <URL:> did it again, but I always get unwanted double bars.

I expect one double bar in the middle and one at the end.


On 10.09.2015 15:28, David Kastrup wrote:
BB <address@hidden> writes:

I tried sommething strange. I tried to mix tempo 4/4 and 6/8 in one
score. I had no success as only the last defined tempo will be used.
LilyPond comes with a manual, and polymetric notation is dealt with
exactly where you'd expect it to be.


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