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Re: Having some trouble getting LilyPond to run on the command line

From: BB
Subject: Re: Having some trouble getting LilyPond to run on the command line
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 16:32:48 +0200
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Sorry therre are some errors in my lost post:
1. I tried chmod u+x ....
is citated wrong. Correct in the post is written
I tried chmod +x ....
("u" would mean make executable for user, for the owner of the file, but that was not written in the post)
2. chmod a+x
does mean, make it executable for all ("a") users.

Cheers and by

On 25.09.2015 16:13, BB wrote:
In one of the confusing assemble of postings is I tried
chmod u+x ....
I do not know that option u. Chek
chmode --help
Usually in this cases one might use
chmode a+x ...

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