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Re: Bar lines in polyphonic music and words under split voices

From: David Wright
Subject: Re: Bar lines in polyphonic music and words under split voices
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 13:07:26 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Quoting Do something Artistic (address@hidden):
> I have been working on a piece of music for some time now and cannot seem to
> get the following to happen.
>  [...]
> 2. attach words to a split vocal line of the form << {}\\ {}>> lilypond
> seems to want to just skip over it and go to the next "normal" part.

Here's a snippet illustrating another way of adding lyrics, treating
it rather like printing the words in a 2-stave hymn. It shows that
sometimes you need to adjust lyric alignments (eg hymns' frequent alto
suspensions). AIUI the NullVoice should always be the most subdivided
part (else lyrics get shifted/overprint each other), which sometimes
requires breaking up long notes with ties. (My usual methodology: just
copy the top part to the null voice, then fine tune it as necessary.)

\version "2.18.2"

ll = \lyricmode { \once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT }

nv = \relative {
  a'4 b c d
  e4 d c b
  b4 c e4. e8

av = \relative {
  a'4 b c d
  << { e4 d c b } \\ { b2 a4 b } >>
  << { b4 c e2 } \\ { a,4 a a4. a8 } >>

al = \lyricmode { h i j k l m n o upper p q r }

bl = \lyricmode { h i j k \ll l m n o upper p q r }

cl = \lyricmode { _ _ _ _ l __ _ _ o lower p q r s }

\new Staff <<
  \new NullVoice = vn { \nv }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto vn \al
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto vn \bl
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto vn \cl
  \new Voice { \av }


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