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Bfa-Bmi key signature?

From: Graham King
Subject: Bfa-Bmi key signature?
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 13:58:17 +0100

In transcribing a piece of renaissance music, I am trying to refine the following key signature:

\version 2.19.21
\relative c' {
  \set Staff.keyAlterations = #`(((-1 . 6) . ,NATURAL)
                                 (( 0 . 6) . ,FLAT))
  R1 b2 bes b' bes

Ideally, the flat in the key signature should have a ledger line, and should be vertically aligned with the natural sign.  (There is a corresponding keysig in bass clef which also needs this alignment)

I have looked at:
1) The re-writing of the key signature engraver in Scheme:

2) The addition of ledger lines to a key signature:

3) The Notation Reference and the sections of the Internals Reference that this refers to;

and I confess that I'm floundering a bit.  Well, more than a bit. 

This specific issue is quite common in early music, where the composer uses the hard hexachord.

Grateful for any help/guidance !

-- Graham
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