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Re: How write cross-staff slur (in combination with lyrics)

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: How write cross-staff slur (in combination with lyrics)
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2015 23:10:04 +0200
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Am 6. Oktober 2015 22:22:48 MESZ, schrieb address@hidden:
>Thanks a lot everyone for those smart responses. I've been reading and
>re-reading the thread multiple times ;-)
>Must say, reading let stand writing code like this for such an easy
>part is not that easy for a beginner I'm afraid...

Yes, this is understandable.
But after all your example is not that easy. There are several things that are 
non-standard notation, and LilyPond "thinks" in semantics and structure. 
On the long run this is a terrific strength
, but for a start it may be daunting that you can't simply pull things around 
like in a graphics program.


>Best regards!
>Jurgen L.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Simon Albrecht" <address@hidden>
>To: "David Wright" <address@hidden>
>Cc: "jurgen lamsens" <address@hidden>, address@hidden
>Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2015 9:06:29 PM
>Subject: Re: How write cross-staff slur (in combination with lyrics)
>On 06.10.2015 06:40, David Wright wrote:
>> However, I just wanted to observe two things about the OP's original:
>> the words are much smaller, and the first three bars look as though 
>> they are using proportional spacing.
>No, they don’t. Proportional spacing is a very specific means for 
>complicated situations in mostly ‘modern’ music, and what the example 
>shows is just unnecessary loose spacing, less proficient by far than 
>LilyPond’s solution.
>> One of the things that I've noticed about LP is that by default the 
>> lyrics are scaled up in size relative to the music, compared with
>> publishers' scores, which can lead to a more irregular note spacing. 
>> This isn't a criticism: it's easily "correctable" but I much prefer
>> anyway because of my eyesight.
>And legibility is the exact reason why LilyPond’s lyrics are larger
>commonly used nowadays.
>> Mind you, I'm not sure why a beginner's piano book has lyrics at all,
>> particularly placing them between the staves.
>In order to make the connection to a tune the child knows, or to teach 
>the actual song to sing it as well; also, thinking text is a good means
>to achieve more musical playing.
>Yours, Simon
>lilypond-user mailing list

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