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Re: left pointing note heads

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: left pointing note heads
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 00:49:42 +0200

2015-09-29 2:43 GMT+02:00 johan buelens <address@hidden>:
> hi,
> allow me to introduce myself: i’m a newbie to the third power, namely to
> this list, to lilypond, and to taiko drumming.
> (so bear with me … )
> the japanese art of drumming has always been an oral tradition, nothing was
> ever written down — not the techniques, nor the music.  but westerners tend
> to favor written music, so many taiko teachers outside of japan invented
> their own notation.
> my teachers’s notation, however, looks to me rather like a rube goldberg
> solution looking for a problem …
> so i turned to lilypond and at first glance, the tambourine notation looked
> the part.  however, kumi-daiko is highly stylised, and it is very important
> to strike the drum with the left or right hand at certain times.  the
> notation i found in other persussion styles consists in adding the letters
> "R" or "L" above each note, but this gets confusing in fast passages.  (and
> it is not very universal, as french speaking people for instance would
> certainly only understand "D" or "G" …)
> i looked at different notations, for instance adding ">" or "<" above the
> notes to depict the right or left hand, but this also gets busy, and
> conflicts with other uses of these signs.
> so i thought about pointing the heads of the notes to the left or the right,
> which seems quite intuitive.  (remember that this notation is intended to be
> used by many people who have never seen, let understood, a music score.  so
> the simpler, the better.)
> if the note heads or the note stems should remain aligned over the staves, i
> don’t know yet, although i’m inclined to the latter method.
> i looked at the feta font, but found no left pointing note heads.
> i tried stencils, but didn’t succeed (remember i’m an absolute beginner).
> any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> (and if i didn’t express myself clearly enough, i’ll post some photoshoped
> examples to illustrate my point.)
> best regards,
> johan buelens

How about:

\version "2.19.28"

flip-nh =
  \override NoteHead.stencil =
   #(lambda (grob)
      (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stem-attachment
          (car (ly:grob-property grob 'stem-attachment))
          (- (cdr (ly:grob-property grob 'stem-attachment)))))
      (flip-stencil X (ly:note-head::print grob)))

  c''2 c''8 c''[ c'' c'']
  c''2 c''8 c''[ c'' c'']


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