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Re: Question re title formatting

From: Brian Barker
Subject: Re: Question re title formatting
Date: Sat, 03 Oct 2015 15:26:52 +0100

At 15:43 03/10/2015 +0200, Bonly Bonly wrote:
As you correctly found out, as a matter of fact line breaks will not work in your code. As I did a lot of programming in the past I do not think that is wrong but usually a rule in such code arrangements. Another point is the comment mark "%" that invalidates the rest of the line CR etc. included ...

The end-of-line marker - when correctly encoded - terminates comments, of course.

Simply read
there is an example that you might adjust to your wish.

Sorry, but you are missing the point here, in fact - indeed, two points.
1. It's not my code: I'm not the original enquirer.
2. The enquirer's code works exactly as she wishes; the problem is entirely with her (invisible) line breaks not being encoded properly. No-one needs to read the manual about formatting text, as the original code works.

Brian Barker

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