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Re: loco function which adds markup to the *next* musical moment

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: loco function which adds markup to the *next* musical moment
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:29:02 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Kieren MacMillan <address@hidden> writes:

> Hello,
> I’m trying to put together a bunch of syntactical sugar around
> octavation. (n.b. I am aware that there are open issues regarding
> octavation; even when those are solved, there will need to be some
> sugar.)
> I would like to have a single command which ends an octavation *and*
> places the “loco” mark appropriately. Right now, I believe one needs
> two commands, e.g.
>     \octU c’ d’ e’ f’ \loco g-\markup “loco”
> If I just use a simple “single-moment” shorthand like
>     loco = { \ottava #0 -\markup “loco” }
> then obviously the markup would get placed incorrectly.

Hm?  The above seems equivalent to

loco = { \ottava #0 <>-\markup "loco" }

to me.  What am I missing?

> How can loco be defined so that it ends the octavation (and thus
> closes the OttavaBracket) at *this* moment, but postpones the markup
> until the *next* moment [in the same context], if one exists?

That does not seem to match your "I believe one needs two commands"
example.  Can you create a better mockup here?

At an rate, there is always the expedient of just letting some command
take an additional music argument and then work in something after it.
That's not particularly pretty but there are a few music functions
working in that manner I believe.

David Kastrup

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