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Re: Gregorian notation - augmentum problem

From: Michael Gerdau
Subject: Re: Gregorian notation - augmentum problem
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 12:22:35 +0100
User-agent: KMail/4.14.10 (Linux/4.2.4-1-ARCH; KDE/4.14.13; x86_64; ; )

> a \bar "" \break works but I am working on something automatic, so this
> is not really viable.

Well, my other remark was that conceptually the break at \augmentum
does make sense. Apparently this is not the case for your particular
problem you are trying to solve.

Maybe I just don't understand the usecase. You might want to explain
what you are trying to achieve. Possibly then we can find a better

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: address@hidden
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

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