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Re: Scholarly footnotes

From: Craig Dabelstein
Subject: Re: Scholarly footnotes
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 02:52:15 +0000

Hi Urs,

What can I do to help you advance ScholarLY (or any of your other projects)? E.g. do I need to learn scheme? Do I play around with incorporating ScholarLY into Latex? What would be the most helpful for you?


On Tue, 10 Nov 2015 at 03:42 Urs Liska <address@hidden> wrote:
Just shortly:

I do think we'll find a good way for you, and I also think this is a good opportunity to continue work on ScholarLY. Especially considering that just a  few days ago Craig Dabelstein also asked about ScholarLY.


Am 09.11.2015 um 17:33 schrieb Graham King:
I'm preparing an edition of sixteenth-century polyphony, using the book-titling template[1].  The edition would benefit from some footnotes/endnotes (the sort that say things like: "contratenor 1, bar 99: semiminim A missing in MS").  How best to achieve this, while preserving the "book-titling" appearance? 

Urs' marvellous work on ScholarLy[2] appears ideal, but outputs its annotations in Latex (and might have other problems - see separate thread[3]).  So I'm now wondering how best to integrate this with a published score.  Several possibilities present themselves:

1) lilypond-book[4].  Requires extensive knowledge of Latex, and appears to be targetted at presenting small snippets within musicological papers, rather that large amounts of music with a small number of annotations.

2) Latex with \includepdf[5].

3) musicexamples.sty[6].

4) something else?

I have used Latex (once!) and I'm prepared to do some learning, but I'd welcome advice on the most efficient way to proceed, and the pros-&-cons of each approach.

[1] From the Snippets Repository:
[3] lilypond-user list, November 2015: "ScholarLy and polymetric music? (bar numbering, \RemoveEmptyStaffContext)"

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