\version "2.18.2" \include "smufldata.ily" \include "definitions.ily" #(define (accidental2CommaFlat grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup ;; Select Bravura font ; This doesn't seem to work (although I think it should) ; #:font-name "Bravura" ;; set size of the glyph - ; please experiment wtih appearance and problem of interference with staff lines #:fontsize 5 ;; choose the glyph to be taken #:char #xE455))) \relative c'{ % There has to be a key, otherwise nothing will be printed. \key g \major % Use Bravura, the SMuFL reference font (actually this should be done % inside the stencil but I don't know how \override Staff.KeySignature.font-name = "Bravura" % Tell LilyPond to use something else than the default key signature \override Staff.KeySignature.stencil = #accidental2CommaFlat c }