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Re: Superscript in \markup environment

From: Abraham Lee
Subject: Re: Superscript in \markup environment
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 12:19:39 -0700


On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Robert Blackstone <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear list

The LilyPond-project that I'm presently working on deals with some 40 songs, voice and a keyboard instrument, with comments and explanations underneath each score, some with small musical examples.
In these comments I would like interval names like 5ths and 8ves to be written with "ths" and "ves" as superscript, but up till now none of super scrip t possibilities I found   in the LilyPond Notation Reference worked in the \markup -part of the file. They sometimes even made the whole comment disappear.

 See the MWE below. (not so minimal, my apologies). What can I do to get these superscripts?
(Both the music and the comment are fictional. Just found some snippets that could serve my purpose here.)

\version "2.18.2"

\relative c'
\new Staff { \omit Staff.TimeSignature \clef treble \time 3/2
{\stemUp cis'2 \once \hideNotes  b4 \once \hideNotes b b2 }\bar "||"
\new Voice {\voiceTwo \stemDown  a2 \set fontSize = #-4 \single \hide Stem gis4 \single \hide Stem fis4^- \unset fontSize e2 |}
{\stemUp fis2 \once \hideNotes r4 \once \hideNotes r4 e2 } \bar "||"
\new Voice {\voiceTwo \stemDown d2 \set fontSize = #-4 \single  \hide Stem cis4  \single \hide Stem b4^-  \unset fontSize a2 |}
}\bar "||"


 \markup {
\fill-line {" "
\column {
\left-align {
"Sometimes hidden parallel 5ths can be tolerated but these could have been avoided by contrary movement." "The same goes for parallel 8ves."

    } %end left-align
    } %end Column
    } % end fill-line
    } %end markup

Thanks in advance for any advice.

There's a markup command called \concat which can stitch together other markups/strings. So here's how I'd reformat your text:

\left-align {
  \concat { "Sometimes hidden parallel 5" \super "ths" " can be tolerated but these could have been avoided by contrary movement." }
  \concat { "The same goes for parallel 8" \super "ves" "." }
} %end left-align

Notice my usage of the \super command as well. So, I've split up each string into three chunks: the characters preceding the superscript, the superscript itself, and all the characters following the superscript (including the initial space).

There are other things you can do to get different vertical alignment (like with \raise), but this also requires you to shrink the font size as well:

\concat { "... parallel 5" { \raise #0.5 \tiny "ths" } " can be tolerated ..." }


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