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Re: How to work with large orchestral1 projects

From: Noeck
Subject: Re: How to work with large orchestral1 projects
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016 10:29:30 +0100
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Hi Carl-Henrik,

the snippets can be quite helpful:
and online search if you can guess the name.

> 1) The title. Is there a sensibale way to adjust font/fontsize and
> placement of the title? (this is most likely an easy thing, but it would
> be nice to hear how you guys deal with it)

If it is just about the font size, this is probably the easiest way:
\header {
  title = \markup \abs-fontsize #30 "ABC"
If you want to create your own style of the header, here you go:

> 2) This is the wierdest thing. Double up of time, clef and tempo, what
> is on earth have i done wrong? 

\grace s8 as Urs pointed out. That's indeed ugly.

> 3) I want the beams to and from rests, with stemlets, like
> so: 

This can help you:

  \override Stem.stemlet-length = 0.75
  r8[ gis']

However, this requires manual beaming with [ ], IIUC.

> 4) I want the beams to stretch 4 8ths and break if necessary. My puny
> attempt thus far looks bonkers. 

You explicitly put the beaming there:
 a16.[\f gis32] a16. b32

This means the a is beamed with gis32 and then the beam has to stop. So
exactly what you get. For a longer beam, you can do either
  \time 2/4
  a16.[\f gis32 a16. b32 c8-. < b gis' e' >]\fz |  % manual with [ ]
  % or
  \set Staff.beatStructure = #'(2)                 % beams last 2 beats
  a16.\f gis32 a16. b32 c8-. < b gis' e' >\fz
% see

> 5) I tried making a scordatura using a snippet from LRS. Perhaps my eyes
> are playing tricks with me, the font size seems off, to large?

You have a \large here which makes the instrument name larger than the
Just remove it.

> %%General questions
> 6) I also wonder about parts creation. How do i set it up? 

see 9)

> 7) When i did the Sibelius engraving, i came to the conclution that A3
> was the proper page format. Once i've entered my music, will lilypond
> scale the score to fill the entire page, like it does with A4, OR; do i
> need to make adjustments to font and/or staff sizes?

It will fill the paper format you specify while keeping the font and
staff sizes as you set them (or default 20).
\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a3")
If that's what you intend, you can also scale the global staff size by
sqrt(2) to 28.28, of course.

> 8) I've searched far and wide but have not found a way to make
> large/huge time signatures. This is what i really want (from
> Adler): 

There are people on this list who know how to do that. I have seen it
before, but I couldn't find it so quickly.

> 9) Where to i place system wide events, like 
> repetitions, 

As far as I know, repeats must go into each part (voice). However, for
rehearsal marks and
> time and
> tempo?
it is recommended to put them in to a global variable with spacers:
global  = { \time 2/4 s1*8 \mark "A" }

Then you can come back to the parts creation:
You start a new file for each part, let's say the violin I, with a
\score block and you put your global variable and your music variable
(\fiolinEn) of that instrument into it.

\include "stemmer/fiolin"
\score {
  \new Staff << \global \fiolinEn >>

You ask your questions very clearly. That makes it easy to answer. I
hope this was helpful. Please don't hesitate to ask back in case of


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