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Re: no text

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: no text
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 16:50:04 +0100

On 15.03.2016 16:27, Bernhard Kleine wrote:
I do not see what is wrong, the text is not displayed. It is close to
what I used before. I am stymied.

All you do in the ‘texttext’ variable is set the stanza number to a very long string. So no text is displayed.

HTH, Simon


\version "2.19.33"
\language "deutsch"
\header {
   title = "Erstanden ist der Herr"
   subtitle = "Ostermotette für gemischte Stimmen"
   subsubtitle = "Bearbeitung und Textfassung: P.J. Metschnabl"
   composer = "Valentin Rathgeber"
   tagline = \markup {
     Engraved von Bernhard Kleine mit
     \with-url #"";
     \line { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }

global = {
   \time 3/4
   \key b \major


soprano= \relative c'' {
   b4 b c | d2 e4| f2 f,4| \bar "|."

alto=  \relative c'' {
   d,4 f f f2

texttext= \lyricmode {
   \set stanza = "Er -- stan -- de ist der Herr, er"

\score {
   \new ChoirStaff
     \new Staff \with {
       instrumentName = \markup \center-column { Sopran }
     } <<
       \new Voice = "sopran" \soprano

     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopran" \texttext

     \new Staff \with {
       instrumentName = \markup \center-column { Alt }
     } <<

       \new Voice = "alto" { \alto }

   \layout {}
   \midi {}

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