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Re: and 2.19.36

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: and 2.19.36
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 21:47:13 +0100

2016-03-01 0:27 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley <address@hidden>:
> 2016-03-01 0:11 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley <address@hidden>:
>> 2016-02-29 5:42 GMT+01:00 David Wright <address@hidden>:
>>> Hi, I think I've got the latest version of
>>> (3049 Dec  4 02:21) from variously
>>> and it works great in 2.18.2. However, I'm having problems using it in
>>> 2.19.36. I added the following LP code involving NullVoice to the test
>>> case, which breaks it.
>>> I don't know if it's the fault of NullVoice or
>>> NullVoice is rather delicate; for example, it doesn't play well with
>>> \addlyrics for no reason obvious to me.
>>> \score {
>>>   \new Staff <<
>>>     \new NullVoice = "nullvoice" \melody
>>>     \new Voice = "voice" \melody
>>>     \new Lyrics = "testI"
>>>       \with { \override LyricText.X-offset = #center-on-word }
>>>       \lyricsto "nullvoice" \lyr
>>>     \new Lyrics = "testII"
>>>       \with { \override LyricText.X-offset = #center-on-word }
>>>       \lyricsto "nullvoice" \lyrA
>>>     %% The control-voice omits the override
>>>     \new Lyrics = "control"
>>>       \lyricsto "nullvoice" \lyrControl
>>>   >>
>>>   \layout {
>>>     \context {
>>>       \Score
>>>       lyricMelismaAlignment = #-0.6
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> Cheers,
>>> David.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> lilypond-user mailing list
>>> address@hidden
>> Hi David,
>> the problem:
>> in 2.18. the grob-parent of LyricText was NoteHead for both Voice and 
>> NullVoice.
>> In 2.19.37 it's NoteColumn in Voice and PaperColumn in NullVoice.
>> More, 2.19.37 returns for the LSR-code:
> should read:
> 2.19.37 returns for the LSR-code with added NullVoice:
>> programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress
>> encountered for #'X-extent (PaperColumn)
>> (with a buid from master with --enable-checking)
>> Right now I'm not sure how to deal with it (and when I'll have the
>> time to take a deeper look)
>> So far, cheers,
>>   Harm


finally I think I have a fix.
Though, in 2.19.38 there are some differences when aligning lyrics to
NullVoice compared with aligning them to Voice.
See the output of this code without any override:

\version "2.19.38"

mel = \relative c' {
  c8 r
  <c d>

lyr = \lyricmode { Do Do Do }

\score {
  \new Staff <<
    \new Voice = "v" \mel
    \new NullVoice = "nv" \mel
    \new Lyrics
      \with { instrumentName = "lyricsto nullv " }
      \lyricsto "nv" \lyr
    \new Lyrics
      \with { instrumentName = "lyricsto voice " }
      \lyricsto "v" \lyr
  \layout {
    indent = 30

My proposed code for the LSR-snippet will not cure that. Would be
beyond the duty of it.
Though, please test:

\version "2.18.2" % up to 2.19.39

#(define space-set
    (string->list "—.?-;,:“”‘’–— */()[]{}|<>!`~&…")))

#(define (width grob text)
  (let* ((X-extent
           (ly:stencil-extent (grob-interpret-markup grob text) X)))
   (if (interval-empty? X-extent)
       (cdr X-extent))))

#(define (find-paper-column grob)
  (cond ((not (ly:grob? grob))
         (ly:error "PaperColumn is not in the parent-tree of ~a" grob))
        ((grob::has-interface grob 'paper-column-interface)
        (else (find-paper-column (ly:grob-parent grob X)))))

#(define (center-on-word grob)
  (let* ((text (ly:grob-property-data grob 'text))
         (syllable (markup->string text))
           (if (string-skip syllable space-set)
               (string-skip syllable space-set)
           (if (string-skip-right syllable space-set)
               (+ (string-skip-right syllable space-set) 1)
               (string-length syllable)))
         (preword (substring syllable 0 word-position))
         (word (substring syllable word-position word-end))
         (preword-width (width grob preword))
         (word-width (width grob (if (string-null? syllable) text word)))
         (word-end-width (- word-width preword-width))
         (par (ly:grob-parent grob X))
         (parent (if (grob::has-interface par 'note-head-interface)
                     (find-paper-column grob)))
           (cond ((grob::has-interface parent 'note-head-interface)
                  (ly:grob-extent parent parent X))
                 ((grob::has-interface parent 'paper-column-interface)
                   (let ((nh
                             (lambda (g)
                               (grob::has-interface g 'note-head-interface))
                                 (ly:grob-parent grob X)
                       (ly:relative-group-extent nh (car nh) X)))
                 (else '(0 . 0))))
         (note-column-width (interval-length note-column-extent)))
      (/ (- note-column-width word-width) 2)
      (1+ (ly:grob-property-data grob 'self-alignment-X)))

%% For general use take this layout-setting
%% In the example below the override is applied to selected Lyrics only
%\layout {
%  \context {
%    \Lyrics
%    \override LyricText.X-offset = #center-on-word
%  }

melody = \relative c' {
  c8 r
  d4 e8 r f4 |
  <c d> <d c>
  e( f)
  g1 \bar"|."

lyr = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1. "
  ““Re, Mi, Fa, Do, Re,
  %\once \set Score.lyricMelismaAlignment = #4.5
  \markup \bold Sol—

lyrA = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2. "
  Re, Mi, Fa, Do, Re,

lyrControl = \lyricmode{
  \set stanza = "Control: "
  Re Mi Fa Do Re mimifa Sol

\score {
  \new Staff <<
    \new Voice = "voice" \melody
    \new Lyrics = "testI"
      \with {
        \override LyricText.X-offset = #center-on-word
        instrumentName = "lyricsto v "
      \lyricsto "voice" \lyr
    \new Lyrics = "testII"
      \with {
        \override LyricText.X-offset = #center-on-word
        instrumentName = "lyricsto v "
      \lyricsto "voice" \lyrA
    %% The control-voice omits the override
    \new Lyrics = "control"
      \with {
        instrumentName = "lyricsto v "
      \lyricsto "voice" \lyrControl
  \layout {
    \context {
      lyricMelismaAlignment = #-02.6
  \header { piece = "all Lyrics are associated to a Voice" }

\markup \vspace #2

\score {
  \new Staff <<
    \new NullVoice = "nullvoice" \melody

    \new Voice = "voice" \melody

    \new Lyrics = "testI"
      \with {
        \override LyricText.X-offset = #center-on-word
        instrumentName = "lyricsto nv"
      \lyricsto "nullvoice" \lyr

    \new Lyrics = "testII"
      \with {
        \override LyricText.X-offset = #center-on-word
        instrumentName = "lyricsto nv"
      \lyricsto "nullvoice" \lyrA

    %% The control-voice omits the override
    \new Lyrics = "control"
      \with { instrumentName = "lyricsto nv" }
      \lyricsto "nullvoice" \lyrControl

    \new Lyrics = "control"
      \with { instrumentName = "lyricsto v  " }
      \lyricsto "voice" \lyrControl

  \layout {
    \context {
      lyricMelismaAlignment = #-0.6
  \header { piece = "First three Lyrics are associated to a NullVoice" }


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