\version "2.19.44" \language "english" \include "Peter_Pan.ily" \header { title = "Lullaby" subtitle = "from “Peter Pan”" % style = "Incidental" poet = "Words 17ᵗʰ Century" } global = { \key d \major \time 6/8 } melody = \relative c' { \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 60 R2.*2 | \bar"||" fs4 fs8 a4 a8 | g4 g8 b4. | a4 a8 cs4 cs8 | b4 g8 e4. | fs8 fs fs a4 a8 | g4 g8 b4 b8 | a8[( d]) b a4 fs8 | e4 a8 d,4 r8 | \bar"||" fs4 cs'8 cs[( b]) a8 | gs4 a8 fs4. | fs4 cs'8 cs[( b]) a8 | cs4 b8 a4. | fs8 fs fs a4 a8 | g4 g8 b4 b8 | a8[( d]) b a4 fs8 | b4 a8 d,4. | \bar"||" \tempo "Piu Lento" 4 = 40 a'4 b8 a4. | a4 a8 d4.~ | d2.~ | d2.\fermata | \bar"||" } words = \lyricmode { Gold -- en slum -- bers kiss your eyes, Smiles a -- wake you when you rise, Sleep, pret -- ty dar -- ling, do not cry, And I __ will sing a lul -- la -- by. Care you know not, there -- fore sleep, While I o’er you watch do keep, Sleep, pret -- ty dar -- ling, do not cry, And I __ will sing a lul -- la -- by. Lul -- la -- by, lul -- la -- by. __ May your dreams be al -- ways bright, An -- gels guard you through the night, Sleep, pret -- ty dar -- ling, do not cry, And I __ will sing a lul -- la -- by. Nought can harm you, have no fear, I will guard you, mother’s near. Sleep, pret -- ty dar -- ling, do not cry, And I __ will sing a lul -- la -- by. Lul -- la -- by, lul -- la -- by. __ } upperOne = \relative c' { 8( | 8 4 4.) | \bar"||" \voiceOne fs4.( a | g b) | a4.( cs | b4 g8 e4.) | fs4.( a | g b) | a4( g8 fs4) \oneVoice r8 | \voiceOne e4.( d4) \oneVoice r8 | \bar"||" } upperTwo = \relative c' { s2.*2 | \bar"||" \voiceTwo d2.( | d4.) cs | d2.( | d4.) cs | d2.( | d4.) s | d4.( d4) s8 | \oneVoice cs4.( d4) s8 | \bar"||" } lowerOne = \relative c' { \voiceOne a8 g a b cs d | b8 a g fs4. | \bar"||" \voiceOne a2.( | a) | a( | g) | a2.( | a) | s | g4.( fs4) r8 | \bar"||" } lowerTwo = \relative c { \voiceTwo d2.( | d8) a4 d4. | \bar"||" \voiceTwo d4. fs | e g | fs2. | e4. a, | d4.( fs | e g) | \oneVoice 4( 8 a4) r8 | \voiceTwo a,4.( d4) r8 | \bar"||" } deleteArticulations = #(define-music-function (parser location mus) (ly:music?) (music-filter (lambda (x) (not (music-is-of-type? x 'articulation-event))) mus)) \score { << \new Staff { \global \new Voice = "melody" { \autoBeamOff \melody \deleteArticulations\melody \bar"|." } } \new Lyrics { \lyricsto "melody" \words } \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "upper" << { \clef treble \global \upperOne % \deleteArticulations\upperOne } \new Voice { \upperTwo % \deleteArticulations\upperTwo } >> \new Staff = "lower" << { \clef bass \global \lowerOne % \deleteArticulations\lowerOne } \new Voice { \lowerTwo % \deleteArticulations\lowerTwo } >> >> >> \layout {} \midi {} }