\version "2.19.47" % Create a "watermark" style time signature with the following characteristics: % - Remove time signature from all contexts where it is not explicitly included % - font-size settable % - top-align to the given staff % - print behind music, without affecting any layout of music % - flow through following stave without pushing them down % By default time signatures are not printed at the Staff context \layout { \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } } % Add a watermark time signature to a given staff by writing % \new Staff \with { % \watermarkTimesig % } % (with the color argument being optional, defaulting to an 20% grey) watermarkTimesig = #(define-scheme-function (color font-size)((color? (list .8 .8 .8)) number?) #{ \with { \consists Time_signature_engraver \override TimeSignature.font-size = #font-size \override TimeSignature.X-extent = #'(0 . 0) \override TimeSignature.space-alist.first-note = #'(fixed-space . 0) \override TimeSignature.color = #color \override TimeSignature.layer = -1 \override TimeSignature.Y-offset = #(- 2 ; 2 staff spaces because it’s normally center-aligned (* 2 (magstep font-size))) % two staff spaces = one digit height \override TimeSignature.Y-extent = #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0) } #})