#(set-global-staff-size 17.82) \paper { #(set-paper-size "letter") } \layout { indent = #10 left-margin = #20 right-margin = #40 line-width = #185 ragged-right = ##f check-consistency = ##t } \header { title = "Cornerstone" subtitle = " " copyright = \markup \center-column { \line {" "} \line { "Words and music by Lenny LeBlanc |Paul Baloche" } \line { \char ##x00A9" 1999 Integrity's Hosanna! Music | LenSongs Publishing."} \line { "Used by permission. CCLI License # 11090669" } } } \relative c' { \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \compressFullBarRests \override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #2 R1*6 \bar ".|:" r8 c8 e8[ g8] g4 r8 c,8 d8 e8 e4 r2 r8 f8 f8[ a8] a4 r8 e8 } \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"1. " My hope is built on noth -- ing less, than Je -- sus' blood and } \relative c' { \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f e8[ d8] d4~ d8 r8 r4 r8 c8 e8[ g8] g4 r8 c,8 d8 e8 e4 } \addlyrics { right -- eous -- ness I dare not trust the sweet -- est frame, } \relative c' { \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \repeat volta 2 { r8 f8 f8[ e8] d8. e16 d4~ } \alternative { { d16 c8 c16~ c2. r1 \bar ":|." } { d16\repeatTie c8 c16~c2 r4 } } } \addlyrics { bu whol -- ly trust in Je -- sus' Name. - sus' Name. } %Chorus 1 \relative c' { \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f r2 e4 d4 c4 r4 f4 e4 d4 r4 e4 d4 c4. c16 c16 f4~f16 e8 d16\laissezVibrer } \addlyrics { Christ a -- lone. Corn -- er -- stone. Weak made strong in the Sav -- ior's love. } \relative c' { \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f d4\repeatTie r4 e4 g4 c,4 r4 f4 e4 d4 r4 e4 d4 c2. r4 r1 } \addlyrics { _ Through the storm, He is Lord. Lord of all. } %Verse 2 and 3 \relative c' { \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f r8 c8 e8[ g8] g4 r8 c,8 d8 e8 e4 r2 r8 f8 f8[ a8] a4 r8 e8 e8 d8 d4~ d8 r8 r4 } \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"2. " When dark -- ness seems to hide His face, I rest on His un -- chang -- ing grace. } \addlyrics { \set stanza = #"3. " When He shall come with trump -- et sound, oh may I then in Him be found. } \relative c' { \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f r8 c8 e8[ g8] g4 r8 c,8 d8 e8 e4 r2 r8 f8 f8[ e8] d8. e16 d8~ d16 c8 c16~ c2. \bar "||" } \addlyrics { In ev -- 'ry high and storm -- y gale, my an -- chor holds with -- in the veil. } \addlyrics { Dressed in His righ -- eous -- ness a -- lone. Fault -- less to stand be -- fore the throne. } %Chorus 2 \relative c'' { \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f r8 f8 f8[ e8] d8. e16 d4~ d16 c8 c16~ c2. r2 e4 d4 \bar ".|:" c4 r4 f4 e4 } \addlyrics { My an -- chor holds with -- in the veil. Christ a -- lone. Corn -- er- } \relative c'' { \key c \major \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \set Score.alternativeNumberingStyle = #'numbers \repeat volta 3 { d4 r4 e4 d4 c4. c16 c16 f4~f16 e8 d16~ d4 r4 e4 g4 c,4 r4 f4 e4 } \alternative { { d4 r4 e4 d4 c2. r4 r2 e4 d8( c8) e8( d32 c32 c16~ c4) r2 r2 e4 d4 \break f4.( e8~ e4. d8~ d8) r8 r4 e4 d4 \bar ":|." } { d4 r4 e4 d4 c2 r2 r2 e4 d4 \bar ":|." \break } { d4 r4 e4 d4 c2. r4 r1 r1 r1^\markup { \tiny \italic { to verse 3 } } } } } \addlyrics { stone. Weak made strong in the Sav -- ior's love. Through the storm, He is Lord. Lord of all. He is Lord. __ Lord of all. __ Christ a- Lord. Lord of all. Christ a- Lord. Lord of all. } \version "2.18.2"