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Re: beaming a phrase across piano staves

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: beaming a phrase across piano staves
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 00:15:34 +0200
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\crossStaff is intended for chords with notes in two staves that are connected by one *stem*.

What you want is the \change command:


Am 26.09.2016 um 00:11 schrieb Ryan Michael:
I have an upper and lower part of a piano staff. 
In the upper staff I have the following phrase which I would like the last note, a Gb in the second octave of the instrument be engraved on the bass clef of the second staff. Currently it is just placed below the treble with ledger lines: 

\crossStaff {\grace{f'16 g' a' e'' ges'32 e'32 ges,,16} } b''4.\fermata 


Here is the larger global context of the above excerpt:


\layout {
  \context {
    \consists #Span_stem_engraver

  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff {

      \clef bass
 \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
  \repeat tremolo 8 {  d,16\sustainOn\< <bes, c>16\fermata\!\>}
  \repeat tremolo 8 {d,\!\< <aes, c>\!\>\fermata}

\clef treble
r1\sustainOff\! r1 r1 
r4 r4 r4 r16 \ottava #1 bes'''8. \ottava #0

r8 f''8\sustainOn \grace{ b!32( bes' c''} \ottava #1 a'''!8\fermata) \ottava #0 r8\sustainOff r4 r8 \clef bass d,!\pp\fermata

\clef treble 
\tuplet 3/2{ r8 ges'4} bes'4 \tuplet 3/2{ aes'4 ees'8~} ees'8 bes8~ bes~ <bes c'>\fermata

cis''4\f\> \tuplet 3/2{ r8 gis'4} \tuplet 3/2{ c'!4\!\p r8} 

r8 gis'8\mf\staccato r4 r4 r16 f'8.\mp 

\tuplet 3/2{ r8 ees'16 aes'16 f'8} \tuplet 3/2{ bes4 des'8} 
\tuplet 3/2{ r8 aes'4} e8\staccato ges'8 

\grace{e32} ges'8\fermata bes8 \tuplet 3/2{ e'4 gis'8~} \tuplet 3/2{ gis'8 b'4} \tuplet 3/2{ gis'4 b8~} \tuplet 3/2{ b8 r4 } \tuplet 3/2{ r4 b'8\staccato\sf} b16\p b b b

\tuplet 3/2{ b8 b8 r16 b16~} b8 b32 b32 b32 b32~ b32 b32 b32 b32 b32 b32 b32 b32~ b8 b8->\ff

r16 \tuplet 3/2{ b32 b-> r32} r16 b16->~ \tuplet 3/2{ b4 b8~} 

r8 \tuplet 3/2{ b16-> b8} b8 b32\staccato b32\staccato r16 b16 r8.

\bar "||"

r8^\markup{\huge "rascher"} b8 r8 a'8\mp r4 \tuplet 3/2{ a'8\staccato cis'\staccato e'\staccato} r32 a'16. r32 g'16.

r8 d''16 f'' \tuplet 3/2{ g'8 fis' r32 cis'16.->} \tuplet 3/2{ r4 cis'8\p-\markup{\italic "doux"}\fermata} r4 a'16~ <g' a'>~ <g' a' cis''>~  <g' a' cis'' b'> r32 d''16. bes'8 cis' e' 

\time 7/8

\tuplet 3/2 { r16 dis'8\mp\>} c''8 dis' b\!\ppp r8 
gis'8~ gis'16 fis'16 

\time 4/4
\tuplet 3/2{ b'8 gis'4} \tuplet 3/2{ r8 b4->\f}

fis'8 r16. d''32~ d''8 r8 g'8 r8 b r8 a'-> \tuplet 3/2{r8 dis''16~} \tuplet 3/2{dis''16 b'8} r32 gis'16.~ 

\time 3/8 \tuplet 3/2{gis'16 fis' e'}

\tuplet 3/2{cis'8\sp d'~ dis'}

\time 4/4
r8 cis''8\ppp fis'' dis'' r8 gis' gis' g'! g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 g'16 r32 g'32~ g'16\fermata

d''8->\f r8 \tuplet 3/2{ c'8 fis'4} \tuplet 3/2{ c''8 e'' c''} \tuplet 5/4{ e'16 g' c'' e'' bes''~}
\tuplet 3/2{ bes''4 fis''8~} fis''8 r8 \tuplet 3/2{ r8 d'4}

\tuplet 5/4{ bes16 d' fis' c'' e''} \tuplet 3/2{ bes''8 fis'' bes'~} \tuplet 3/2{ bes'8 ges'4} a'8 r8 \grace{ d''16} bes'16.\portato r32 r8

\time 5/8

d'8 \tuplet 5/4 { bes16 d' fis' bes' fis''} \tuplet 3/2{bes''8 fis''4}

\time 3/8
e'8\pp-\markup{\italic "doux"} e''8 r8

\time 4/4 

cis''16 a' \tuplet 3/2{ b'' fis'' d''} \tuplet 3/2{b'16\staccato r16 a''16\staccato~} \tuplet 3/2{ a''32 r32 a'16\portato r16} r16. gis'32-> dis''16-> r16 \tuplet 3/2{ a'8 f'4}

r8 e'8->\mf r8 e''16 g'' \tuplet 4/3{ e''8~ <c'' e''> <g' c'' e''>~ <d' g' c'' e''>} bes16\staccato\mf r16 

\time 7/8 e''16-> r16 cis'' r16
r8 bes'8 r8 r8 \tuplet 3/2{ e''16 g' des'} 

\time 3/8 
\crossStaff {\grace{f'16 g' a' e'' ges'32 e'32 ges,,16} } b''4.\fermata 

\new Staff {
      \clef bass
r1 r1
\tempo 4=88

d'4^\markup{\huge "molto ritard."}\startTextSpan\sustainOff\!\p-\markup{\italic "doux"} r4 \tuplet 3/2{ c'8 bes aes} r8 d'8-> r8 f8 \tuplet 3/2{ bes d' f} \tuplet 3/2{ r8 d'4}  r8 d8 

\tuplet 3/2{ r4 aes8~} \tuplet 3/2{aes d' f} \tuplet 3/2{bes d' f} \tuplet 3/2{ bes8 d4} r4 bes,4\staccato]\pp \tuplet 3/2{b,4 r8\stopTextSpan^\markup{\huge"tempo"} } r4
r4 r4 r8 aes,8\p~ \tuplet 3/2{aes,4 r8}

r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1

r8 r8 r8 r8 r8 r8 r8

r1  r1 r4. r1 r1 r1 r1 r1

r4. r4 r4. 
r1 r1

r4. r2 

ॐ नमः शिवाय

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