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RE: Shape note font failures

From: Jim Duke
Subject: RE: Shape note font failures
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2016 20:01:18 +0000

I was running 2.18.2 on Windows 10 and on Windows 7 on two separate computers.  
Installing 2.19.49 worked on those same two computers.  It does appear to be 
the wrong glyph.  By the way, before trying 2.19.49, I used:

\set shapeNoteStyles = ##(do reThin miMirror fa sol la ti)

I basically copied the aikenHead definition from and chose a 
different glyph for RE.  It's not as nice looking as the proper RE half note 
glyph, but at least you could tell it apart from the quarter note.  But the 
2.19.49 version works fine for me on my computers; so that hack wasn't needed.

On my Windows computers, the problem showed up for sizes 17, 18, 19, and 20.  
Below that range, and above that range had no issues.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Wright [mailto:address@hidden 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 3:19 PM
To: Jim Duke <address@hidden>
Cc: Phil Holmes <address@hidden>; Thomas Morley <address@hidden>; address@hidden
Subject: Re: Shape note font failures

On Mon 31 Oct 2016 at 11:18:39 (+0000), Jim Duke wrote:
> I had already tried rendering it in the best form I could, and I first saw 
> the problem when working with the songs in printed form.  I also had zoomed 
> in on the notes in the PDF Viewer (I'm using the latest Acrobat Reader from 
> Adobe) and the errant notes were wrong at all zoom levels.
> Since Harm didn't have a problem, I thought that perhaps he was using a 
> different version of Lilypond than I was.  I was running 2.18.2; and I 
> suspect that Harm was running close to the latest version so I tested that.  
> 2.19.49 worked fine.  I don't know enough about the system to diagnose why.

(I removed   \override NoteHead.   from the source you provided.)
This problem exists in Debian jessie's 2.18.2 version for 19-21.
It's in neither 2.18.2 nor 2.19.44 from, nor in Debian wheezy's 
2.14.2. It looks as if the wrong glyph is in the font.

This is reminiscent of Debian squeeze's problem (2.12.3) with G-clefs at sizes 
around 18/19. They would be printed with the top loop filled in and something 
sticking out the side.


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