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Re: New LilyPond website

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: New LilyPond website
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2016 08:45:12 +0100
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Am 29.11.2016 um 08:36 schrieb Johan Vromans:
> On Mon, 28 Nov 2016 18:25:24 -0500, John Roper <address@hidden>
> wrote:
>> Hi, my name is John Roper and I am a freelance developer who does web
>> design among other things. I use LilyPond occasionally and I felt that the
>> website needed a little bit of a sprucing up. I decided to see what I
>> could do and I have created a new, nicer looking, website based on
>> wordpress which you can preview at
> I think you have done a great job! This really takes the LilyPond web site
> into the 21st century, matching the sites of the competition.
> Much can be said about details but this is an opportunity we cannot afford
> to miss.

One thing that has to be said now (should have been said much earlier).
If a website based on any dynamically served CMS wants to get *any*
chance there must be a totally clear/clean separation from the manuals.
These are built during from LilyPond's source and have to be served
Additionally there has been *very strict* opposition to anything other
than statically served sites for in the past. Not all of
the reasons are bullet-proof but most are, and you will not get consent
for anything else. As Henning posted while I was writing this you should
look up earlier discussions on both the lilypond-user and the
lilypond-devel list in order to know what kind of discussion you're
dealing with.


> -- Johan
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