\version "2.19.49" #(set-global-staff-size 11) \paper { paper-width = 4\in paper-height = 7\in left-margin = 1.5\mm right-margin = 0 top-margin = 0 bottom-margin = 0 oddFooterMarkup = ##f oddHeaderMarkup = ##f evenHeaderMarkup = ##f evenFooterMarkup = ##f score-system-spacing.padding = #20 } \score { \new Staff << \relative f { \mark "a) Op. 2/2-IV" \time 2/2 \key a \major cis'8( e a cis e4) e e8( gis,) gis2 gis4( a b cis d e4. d16 cis b2) \bar "||" } >> } \score { \new Staff << \relative { \time 3/4 \mark "b) Op 7-II" e'4 f2 g8. d16 e2 \bar "||" } >> } global = { \key a \major \mark "c)" \time 3/4 \partial 4 s4 s2.*3 s2 \bar "||" } upa = \relative { \voiceOne cis''4 e2 a,4 cis2 e,4 a a a a gis } upb = \relative { \voiceTwo a'8 cis e2 cis,8 e a2 e'8 cis a4 a a a gis } downa = \relative { a''16 e cis' a e'4 r cis,16 a e' cis a'4 r cis,,16 a e' cis a'4 a a a gis } \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff << \global \new Voice \upa \new Voice \upb >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice \downa >> >> } global = { \numericTimeSignature \override Score.BarNumber.stencil = ##f } onei = \relative f { \partial 4 e''8. -\tweak X-offset #-2 ^"Flute" ( f16) g4( e8 ) c-. fis( g) e-. c-. b-. c-. cis-. d-. g,4 c8.( b16) a8 b16 c d e f g gis a g f e d e f c4.( d16 c b8-. ) r e8. f16 fis8( g) e-. c-. fis16 g a g f e d c b c b c cis d cis d g,4 c8._\markup \italic "etc." b16 \bar "||" } twoi = \relative f { e''8. -\tweak X-offset #-2 ^"Tenor" ( f16) g4 e8( c) fis([ g)] e( c) b( c) cis([ d)] g,4 c8.( b16) a2 ~ ( a8 [ d) ] f( d) c4.( d8) b r e f fis( g) e([ c)] g'( a16 g f e) d( c) b8( c cis d) g,4 c8( b) } twoilyrics = \lyricmode { Wie stark is nicht dein Zau -- ber -- ton, Weil, hol -- de __ Flö -- te, hol -- de Flö -- te __ durch __ dein Spie -- len } \score { \new StaffGroup \with { \remove "System_start_delimiter_engraver" } << \new Staff << \global \new Voice { \onei } >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice { \twoi } \addlyrics { \twoilyrics } >> >> \header { piece = \markup { d) Mozart, The Magic Flute } } } global = { \omit Staff.TimeSignature \key g \major \time 3/4 \omit Score.BarNumber \mark "e) Rossini, The Barber of Seville" s2.*6 \partial 16 s16 } up = \relative { g'16^"orchestra" g g g g g g g g g g g a a a a a a a a a a\startGroup b c\stopGroup d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d\startGroup e fis\stopGroup g g g g g g g g g g g g a a a a a a a a a g\startGroup fis e\stopGroup d } down = \relative { g'8^"singer" r g r g r a4. a8 a4 d8 r d r d r d2 d8 r g r g r g r a a a r r16 g ^\markup \italic "etc." fis e d4*1/4 } downLyrics = \lyricmode { Bra vi, bra - vis - si - mi! } \score { \new StaffGroup << \set StaffGroup.systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBar \override StaffGroup.SpanBar.glyph-name = #"!" \new Staff << \global \new Voice \up >> \new Staff << \global \new Voice \down \new Lyrics \downLyrics >> >> } global = { \time 2/4 \override Score.BarNumber.stencil = ##f } onei = \relative f { \tempo \markup { Largo \normal-text "(Instrumental Prelude)" } g'8( a16. b32 c8) c b8.( d16 c8) r16 g g8( f'16.) g,32 g8( e'16.) g,32 e'8.\trill ( g32 f d8) r16 g, g8 a16. b32 c8 c b8. e16 \autoBeamOff a,8 a } twoi = \relative f { g'8 -\tweak X-offset #-2 ^"Voice" a16. b32 c8 c \set subdivideBeams = ##t \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/16) \set beatStructure = #'(2 2 2 2) \override TupletBracket.stencil = ##f b8[ ~ \tuplet 6/4 { b32( d^"*" c b c d)] } c8 r16 g \set subdivideBeams = ##t \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/4) \set beatStructure = #'(1 1) g8( f'16.) g,32^"×" g8( e'16.) g,32^"×" e'8.\trill ( g32 f d8) r8 g,8 a16. b32 c8 c b8.( e16) a,8 \tuplet 10/4 { a32([ b a gis a b c d e fis)] } }