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Re: Spacing between titles

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: Spacing between titles
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2017 23:54:52 +0100

On 02.01.2017 23:22, Mirosław Doroszewski wrote:
to set spacing for titles, it is needed to set
markup-markup-spacing, but it is not working;

Hi Mirosław,

markup-markup-spacing is for the spacing between multiple top-level markup blocks, like in

\version "2.18.2"
\markup "Hello"
\markup "world"

The headers, however, are typeset as a single \markup block, defined as the paper variable bookTitleMarkup, and another single \markup block, defined as scoreTitleMarkup. So in order to adjust spacing between e.g. title and subtitle you have to redefine bookTitleMarkup:

\version "2.18.2"
\header {
  title = "Beautiful piece"
  subtitle = \markup { in A \flat minor }
\paper {
  bookTitleMarkup = \markup {
    \override #'(baseline-skip . 5)
    \column {
\with-color #red \fill-line { \null \fromproperty #'header:title \null }
      %\vspace #10
      \fill-line { \null \fromproperty #'header:subtitle \null }
{ c' }

This allows creating stylesheets with your own preference on how to place and format the titles.

Find more information here:

HTH, Simon

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