#(set-global-staff-size #!OOoLilyPondStaffSize!# 20 #!OOoLilyPondEnd!#) #(define version-seen #t) % don't remove, because % the version warning has a slightly different format than normal error messages. % This (still) would crash OLy's message handling... \paper { paper-width = %{OOoLilyPondLineWidth%}8\cm%{OOoLilyPondEnd%} paper-height = %{OOoLilyPondCustom2%}4\cm%{OOoLilyPondEnd%} % If LilyPond's default fonts are not installed and therefore "invisible" to other applications, % you can define a replacement font here: #(define fonts (set-global-fonts ; #:music "emmentaler" ; #:brace "emmentaler" ; #:roman "Century Schoolbook L" ; #:sans "sans-serif" ; #:typewriter "monospace" #:factor (/ staff-height pt 20) )) % taken from http://lilypondblog.org/2015/03/managing-alternative-fonts-with-lilypond/ } \layout { indent = %{OOoLilyPondCustom1%}2.5\mm%{OOoLilyPondEnd%} } % -------------------------------------------------------- %{OOoLilyPondCode%} % Use "Custom 1" for indent % Use "Custom 2" for paper height \paper { ragged-right = ##t left-margin = 0 right-margin = 0 top-margin = 0 bottom-margin = 0 print-page-number = ##f page-count = 1 } \header { tagline = ##f } \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } % ------------------------------------------------------- { \new PianoStaff { << \new Staff {c'4 d' e' f' g'2 g'} \new Staff {\clef bass c2 c4 d e2 e} >> } } %{OOoLilyPondEnd%}