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Re: Creating multi-score books

From: karl
Subject: Re: Creating multi-score books
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 13:55:39 +0100 (CET)

Don Gingrich:
> What I'd like to create is:
> <title page in TeX>
> <text page discussing song 1 in TeX>
> <score of song one in ly >
> <text page discussing song 2 in TeX>
> <score of song 2 in ly >

I do this regulary. You usually use lilypond-book, but I got tired of 
all thoose lily-xxxx files, I couldn't use that in makefiles, e.g.

So, I made my own version and have ever since used that.

>  \header{
>  title = "some silly thing"
>    composer = "Not Mozart"
>     }
>     {
>         <<

You can do the headers either in lilypond or latex. I do them in latex,
when latex is involved, since I usually also include some text after 
the header.

> As putting a bunch of individual scores together into a book may
> be a more or less common task, a good template would be brilliant
> and potentially useful for others

My lilypond/latex code are in:

Examples of my work is:

Let's dissect the motet example.

The entry file is all.tex, it is a usual latex file. To get hold of what
lilypond produces I do:


for scores, and to include smaller music fragments I do:


To make latex and lilypond work together, I use the Makefile, it has

        echo '\include' \"$(INC)/\" >  $@
        echo '\include' \"$<\"          >> $@

%.eps %-systems.tex:    %.lyi
        rm -f $(patsubst,%,$<)-*.eps
        $(LP) --ps -dbackend=eps $<
        $(BIN)lilypond-psfonts $*.psfonts $(patsubst %.lyi,%,$<).eps

The lyi thing is just to include 
 \include ""
 \include "../include/"

The "" and "$(LP) --ps -dbackend=eps $<" make 
lilypond work in "lilypond-book mode" so I get the files
 A-1.eps ... A-9.eps A-systems.tex etc.
If you run lilypond-book, thoose files would be named
lily-<some number>.yyy instead, but since you can predict their names
you can include them directly instead of going the way around 
lilypond-book. The thing missing from lilypond-book though, is that
you must manually match the line length for your lilypond files and
latex for full width music:

$ grep line-width ../include/ 
    line-width = 153 \mm
$ grep textwidth all.tex 

/Karl Hammar

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