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Solved ; multiple scores and scores plus text

From: Don Gingrich
Subject: Solved ; multiple scores and scores plus text
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2017 22:10:35 +1100
User-agent: KMail/4.14.10 (Linux/4.1.38-47-default; KDE/4.14.18; x86_64; ; )

I've had two related problems that have bugged me for a while

I frequently want to create scores with multiple tunes as a dance


on the more recent occasion I wanted to have a mix of text and
scores so that I could present the score of a song with chords 
and lyrics and talk about the song's origins and historical context.

The long-standing problem of multiple tunes was solved by
multiple note and chord blocks each with a unique name,
markup blocks and score blocks:

as in:

\version "2.18.2"

\header {
  title = "A Set Name"
  subtitle = "  " % for space before first tune title
  tagline = "engraved 19 Feb 2017 -- DEG"

#(set-global-staff-size 20.0762645669)
\paper {
  paper-width = 21.0\cm
  paper-height = 29.7\cm
  top-margin = 1.0\cm
  bottom-margin = 1.5\cm
  left-margin = 1.0\cm
  right-margin = 1.0\cm
  indent = 0.0\mm

PartOne = \relative c' {
  \clef "treble" \key g \major \time 2/4
PartOneChords =  \chordmode {

PartTwo =  \relative c' {
  \clef "treble" \key g \major \time 2/4

PartTwoChords =  \chordmode {

PartThree =  \relative c' {
  \clef "treble" \key g \major \time 2/4

PartThreeChords =  \chordmode {

  \fill-line { 
     \line { " " }
    \center-column { \huge \bold "Tune One Title"} % Title
    \line { \box {"Play AABB" }} % instructions
% The score definition
\score {
    \context ChordNames = "Chords" \PartOneChords
    \new Staff <<
      \context Staff <<
        \context Voice = "Part" { \PartOne }
  \layout {}
  \midi {}

  \fill-line { 
    \line { " " }
    \center-column { \huge \bold "Tune Two Title"} % Title
    \line { \box { "Play ABAB" }} % instructions
% The score definition
\score { 
    \context ChordNames = "Chords" \PartTwoChords
    \new Staff <<
      \context Staff <<
        \context Voice = "Tune" { \PartTwo }
  \layout {}
  \midi {}

  \fill-line { 
    \line { " " }
    \center-column { \huge \bold "Tune Three Title"}  % Title
  \line { \box { "Play AAABB" }} % instructions
% The score definition
\score { 
    \context ChordNames = "Chords" \PartThreeChords
    \new Staff <<
      \context Staff <<
        \context Voice = "PartThree" { \PartThree }
  \layout {}
  \midi {}

The inclusion of scores in LaTeX was simple:

Header stuff:
\setlength{\topmargin}{-0.75 in}


% following block allows for page number to be visible
% and easily modified
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields 
\fancyfoot[RE,LO]{\Large\thepage} % except the center
\renewcommand{\abstractname}{}    % clear the title
% \renewcommand{\absnamepos}{empty} % originally center

Some of this was to have an un-numbered title page, but the rest
moved the page number down to give more room for the score

and then to include the score:

\includepdf[pages=-, scale=0.90,  pagecommand={}]{broken-down-squatter.pdf}

Your mileage may vary, but I found that using the scaling meant that
the page number did not clash with the bottom of the score.

Hope this is useful to someone out there.


Don Gingrich

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