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Re: Unusual repeat/chorus structure

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: Unusual repeat/chorus structure
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2017 12:05:01 +0100

On Sun, 2017-04-30 at 15:24 +1000, Don Gingrich wrote:
> Hi,
> As part of an on-going project to convert all of the tunes that 
> I play regularly to Lilypond I'm trying to typeset a song with 
> the structure:
>       verse - chorus
>       verse
>       verse - chorus
>       verse
>       verse - chorus
> This particular tune started in MuseScore and was exported
> as XML. The export/import did not go well, though I'd suggest
> that the problem was more likely to have been the export
> rather than the import. This is a complex structure, in any case.

I occurred to me when I saw this that you almost certainly spent more
time trying to convert from your original than creating afresh with
Denemo. Attached is my re-setting of your piece using Denemo. It took
16mins 12 seconds to create this with Denemo (I had your lyrics
ready-prepared to paste in so that save some time). I can't imagine you
would spend less time cleaning up and import of MusicXML (a hopelessly
ambiguous, rag-tag format).
OTOH Denemo does generate a certain amount of general-purpose crud,
below is a version with it edited out somewhat.
Two things - I've used the generic repeat stuff here, rather than the
nicer-to-read \repeat ...\alternative ... stuff.
And I've made the repeat structure follow the typesetting norms - whole
measure rests and repeat with upbeat.

Here is the de-crudded version:

%% LilyPond file generated by Denemo version 2.1.3


\version "2.18.0"

MvmntIVoiceI = {
         \partial 256*32  d'8
         b' a' b'4 a'8 b' \bar "||"         a'2.~ 
         a'4^\markup\scale #'(.5 . .5)\column{\line{{\center-column \tiny{ 
      \line {{\italic "Can modulate" }} 
      \line{{\italic "to D7 and repeat"}} 
      \line {{\italic " \"Please\" verse 5"}}}
} r2
                    \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta 
(make-scale-markup '(1 . 1)(make-line-markup (list (make-musicglyph-markup 
"two")(make-hspace-markup -0.5)(make-text-markup ", ")(make-musicglyph-markup 
"four")(make-hspace-markup -0.5)))))) r2 r8 \bar ":|." 
    \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
           \break         \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list (list 'volta 
(make-scale-markup '(1 . 1)(make-line-markup (list (make-musicglyph-markup 
"one")(make-hspace-markup -0.5)(make-text-markup ", ")(make-musicglyph-markup 
"three")(make-hspace-markup -0.5)(make-text-markup ", ")(make-musicglyph-markup 
"five")(make-hspace-markup -0.5)))))) r8
         e''8 e'' fis''2
         d''8 b' a'2
        <> ^\markup\scale #'(1 . 1)\column{\line{\italic {D.C. on 1 & 3}}
} r2 r8 
    \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
     \bar "|."}

MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseI = \lyricmode { 
  I knew a man Bo -- jan 
  __ Mis -- ter Bo -- jan -- \skip4 "gles " __ "dance " __ 
MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseII = \lyricmode { 
  I met him in a cell
MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseIII = \lyricmode { 
  He  danc'd for those at Min
MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseIV = \lyricmode { 
  He said I dance now at

MvmntIVoiceIVerseIVContext = \context Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseIV \lyricsto 
MvmntIVoiceI \MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseIV

MvmntIVoiceIVerseIIIContext = \context Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseIII \lyricsto 
MvmntIVoiceI \MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseIII

MvmntIVoiceIVerseIIContext = \context Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseII \lyricsto 
MvmntIVoiceI \MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseII

MvmntIVoiceIVerseIContext = \context Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseI \lyricsto 
MvmntIVoiceI \MvmntIVoiceILyricsVerseI

%Default Score Layout
\header{DenemoLayoutName = "Default Score Layout"
        instrumentation = \markup { \with-url 
#'"scheme:(d-BookInstrumentation)" "Full Score"}

\header {
     dedication = ##f
     title = \markup  {Mr Bojangles}

\score { %Start of Movement

%Start of Staff
\new Staff = "Part 1"  << 
 \new Voice = "MvmntIVoiceI"  { 
  \clef treble    \key g \major    \time 3/4   \MvmntIVoiceI
                        } %End of voice

                        >> %End of Staff

        \new Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseI


        \new Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseII


        \new Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseIII


        \new Lyrics = MvmntIVoiceIVerseIV



       } %End of Movement



Richard Shann

Attachment: Gingrich-Default Score Layout.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: Text Data

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