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Re: bar number interference

From: bb
Subject: Re: bar number interference
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 17:32:05 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.1.1

I have checked the NR . Indeed, there is not any problem, as long as you do not use chord names. 

May be, there is another chapter in the NR concerning this case of interfering with chord names? If any please point me to that. Thanks.


Am 22.06.2017 um 17:12 schrieb Andrew Bernard:
Hello BB,

But this is in the NR in the section on bar numbers, is it not?



\relative c' {
  \set Score.currentBarNumber = #111
  \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible
  % Increase the size of the bar number by 2
  \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #2
  % Print a bar number every second measure
  \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 2)
  c1 | c1
  % Center-align bar numbers
  \override Score.BarNumber.self-alignment-X = #CENTER
  c1 | c1
  % Left-align bar numbers
  \override Score.BarNumber.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
  c1 | c1


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