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Re: vertical spacer in figured bass

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: vertical spacer in figured bass
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2017 13:46:51 +0100

On Fri, 2017-06-23 at 14:31 +0200, N. Andrew Walsh wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> when I tried that implicitBassFigures declaration, it just printed a
> zero. But! If I drop the "Staff." part of that declaration, then it
> works. I'm not sure if that's going to have consequences later on, but
> I'll try it and see how it goes.
> Now I have another matter, somewhat more OCD: when dealing with the
> figures:
> < 4 2 7 >4 < _+ 0\! 8 >
> the # sign is set slightly lower than the 4, and thus the 8 is set
> lower than the 7. That is, they don't appear to have the same
> baseline, and it looks like bad typesetting. Is there a way to fix
> this so they align perfectly?

I fixed this recently (and the alignment of the figures which aren't
centered on whole notes, breves etc). It's on the mailing list a month
or so ago, or you can fish the relevant code out of this sample from
Denemo ( it's the

#(define-public (format-bass-figures figure event context)


figuredBassFormatter = #format-bass-figures


I suggested this would be good to put directly in the LilyPond code base
as it is just straight forward bug fixes as far as I can see.




%% LilyPond file generated by Denemo version 2.1.3


\version "2.18.0"

CompactChordSymbols = {}
#(define DenemoTransposeStep 0)
#(define DenemoTransposeAccidental 0)
DenemoGlobalTranspose = #(define-music-function (parser location 
arg)(ly:music?) #{\transpose c c#arg #})
titledPiece = {}
AutoBarline = {}
AutoEndMovementBarline = \bar "|."

% The music follows

MvmntIVoiceI = {
         a'4 a' d'' \AutoEndMovementBarline

MvmntIVoiceIBassFiguresLine = \figuremode {
\set figuredBassAlterationDirection = #1
\set figuredBassPlusDirection = #1
\override FiguredBass.BassFigure #'font-size = #-1
%figures follow
\set Staff.implicitBassFigures = #'(0)
\bassFigureExtendersOff <4 2 8>4<3 0\! 7>4
\bassFigureExtendersOn <3 0\! 7>4 

%Default Score Layout
\header{DenemoLayoutName = "Default Score Layout"
        instrumentation = \markup { \with-url 
#'"scheme:(d-BookInstrumentation)" "Full Score"}

\header {
tagline = \markup 
{"/home/rshann/git-denemo/denemo/examples/FiguredBassExtender.denemo" on 
\simple #(strftime "%x" (localtime (current-time)))}

#(define-public (format-bass-figures figure event context)
  (let* ((fig (ly:event-property event 'figure))
         (fig-markup (if (number? figure)

                         ;; this is not very elegant, but center-aligning
                         ;; all digits is problematic with other markups,
                         ;; and shows problems in the (lack of) overshoot
                         ;; of feta-alphabet glyphs.
                         ((if (<= 10 figure)
                              (lambda (y) (make-translate-scaled-markup
                                           (cons -0.7 0) y))

                           ((eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'diminished))
                            (markup #:slashed-digit figure))
                           ((eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'augmented-slash))
                            (markup #:backslashed-digit figure))
                           (else (markup #:number (number->string figure 10)))))

         (alt (ly:event-property event 'alteration))
          (if (number? alt)
               #:general-align Y DOWN #:fontsize
               (if (not (= alt DOUBLE-SHARP))
                   ;-2 2 ;; is the default
                    (if (not fig-markup) 0 -2) 4 ;; changed
               (alteration->text-accidental-markup alt))

         (plus-markup (if (eq? #t (ly:event-property event 'augmented))
                          (markup #:number "+")

         (alt-dir (ly:context-property context 'figuredBassAlterationDirection))
         (plus-dir (ly:context-property context 'figuredBassPlusDirection)))

    (if (and (not fig-markup) alt-markup)
          (set! fig-markup (markup #:left-align #:pad-around 0.3 alt-markup))
          (set! alt-markup #f)))

    (if (and (eqv? 0 (ly:duration-log  (ly:event-property event 'duration))) 
(markup? fig-markup))
        fig-markup (markup #:translate (cons 1.0 0)
                        #:center-align fig-markup)))

    (if alt-markup
        (set! fig-markup
              (markup #:put-adjacent
                      X (if (number? alt-dir)
                      #:pad-x 0.2 #:raise (if (= alt FLAT) 0.1 -0.1) 
alt-markup))) ;changed

    (if plus-markup
        (set! fig-markup
              (if fig-markup
                  (markup #:put-adjacent
                          X (if (number? plus-dir)
                          #:pad-x 0.2 plus-markup)

    (if (markup? fig-markup)
        (markup #:fontsize -2 fig-markup)
\layout {
  \context {
    figuredBassFormatter = #format-bass-figures
} #(set-default-paper-size "a4")
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
\paper {


\score { %Start of Movement

%Start of Staff
\new Staff = "Part 1"  << 

                \context Staff \with {implicitBassFigures = #'(0) } 
\MvmntIVoiceIBassFiguresLine %End of bass figures
 \new Voice = "MvmntIVoiceI"  { 
  \clef treble    \key c \major    \time 4/4   \MvmntIVoiceI
                        } %End of voice

                        >> %End of Staff


       } %End of Movement

> Cheers,
> A
> On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 1:17 PM, Richard Shann
> <address@hidden> wrote:
>         On Fri, 2017-06-23 at 13:06 +0200, N. Andrew Walsh wrote:
>         > Richard, if I can dissect the Denomo code a bit (there's a
>         lot of it!
>         > ), it looks like I need both the
>         > \context Staff \with {implicitBassFigures = #'(0) }
>         > expression in the \score block, and the
>         > \set Staff.implicitBassFigures = #'(0)
>         > expression in the music content. Is that correct?
>         I noticed that too, and assumed one of them was most probably
>         redundant
>         - I did write this syntax, but I'm afraid I can't say how I
>         arrived at
>         it, some sort of trial and error almost certainly.
>         > doing just the latter didn't work, but now I'm unsure how to
>         proceed.
>         Is it doing what you wanted? I cooked up the example from the
>         documentation that Mark quoted, because I knew about this
>         trick of
>         declaring a special figure (I use 0 since that doesn't occur
>         for real in
>         a figured bass) that just acts as a place holder. So then I
>         used that
>         and the \! notation for stopping the extender and it worked
>         (for what I
>         thought was your object).
>         I entered this
>         <3 0\! 7>4
>         with the idea that the figure 0 would keep that position open
>         as a blank
>         figure while not causing an extender from it.
>         I think the repeated \bassFigureExtendersOff and On would be
>         done in
>         some neater way if you were hand-writing the code ...
>         HTH
>         Richard

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