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Fwd: re: removing staff and clef w/o removing bar lines and brackets

From: Reilly Farrell
Subject: Fwd: re: removing staff and clef w/o removing bar lines and brackets
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 09:11:48 -0700

Hi All,


I'm creating some sight-singing examples for a class and would like to start with some examples with no staff,no clef,no key signature, though keeping bar lines and system brackets (for duet examples) (Solfege syllables are provided as lyrics.)


Currently I am doing something like this: (though this makes bar lines disappear and I want to keep bar lines)


melody = { c4 d e2 }

solfege = \lyricmode { do re mi ...}

\score {


% beginning of critical code

\new Staff \with {   \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" }

{ \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = ##f 

%end of critical code



\addlyrics \solfege






Are there ways to make the staff disappear and keep barlines and system braces?


Thanks much

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