\version "2.19.63" \language "english" % The tenor drums (or quads) are not defined in LilyPond yet. % Reading from left to right, first then second line : % Tom2, tom1, tom4, spock*, tom3 % o o % O ° O %% *spock a.k.a shot, gock, or spike. #(define tenor-drums '( (spock default #f 5) (tomI default #f 3) (tomII default #f 1) (tomIII default #f -1) (tomIV default #f -3) )) drumPitchNames.spock = #'spock drumPitchNames.tomI = #'tomI drumPitchNames.tomII = #'tomII drumPitchNames.tomIII = #'tomIII drumPitchNames.tomIV = #'tomIV % For a survival rendition via GM midiDrumPitches = #(append midiDrumPitches `((spock . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 0 NATURAL)) ; natural C (tomI . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 1 NATURAL)) ; natural D (tomII . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 1 FLAT)) ; d flat (tomIII . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 2 FLAT)) ; e flat (tomIV . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 2 NATURAL)) ; e natural )) % Some drum legend markup for students tenor-drums_Legend = \markup { \override #'(style . outline) \override #'(thickness . 3) \whiteout { \score { \new DrumStaff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" %\remove "Clef_engraver" fontSize = -3 \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -2) } \new DrumVoice \with { \consists "Balloon_engraver" \override BalloonTextItem.annotation-balloon = ##f } \drummode { \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table tenor-drums) \balloonLengthOff \balloonGrobText #'NoteHead #'(-2 . 0.0125) \markup {\italic \bold "Spock" } spock8[ \balloonGrobText #'NoteHead #'(-1 . 2.5) \markup {\italic \bold "Tom 1" } tomI \balloonGrobText #'NoteHead #'(0 . 3) \markup {\italic \bold "Tom 2" } tomII \balloonGrobText #'NoteHead #'(0.25 . 2) \markup { \italic \bold"Tom 3" } tomIII \balloonGrobText #'NoteHead #'(3 . 0) \markup { \italic \bold"Tom 4" } tomIV] \stopStaff s } \layout {indent = 0} } } } % I usualy have the song structure in its own variable songStructure = { \time 4/4 \tempo 4=100 s1*1 | \mark \default s1*4 | s1*1\fermata | \bar "|." } snareDrum = \drummode { <>\f sn8 16 16 8-> 8:32 8-> 8-> 16 16 8:~ | 4: sn16 16 16 16 <>\< \repeat unfold 2 {8: sn8->} | \repeat percent 3 \repeat percent 4 {8: sn8->} | sn1:->\f | } tenorDrums = \drummode { <>^\tenor-drums_Legend <>\f spock8 tomI tomII8. tomIII16-> tomIV4:16\sp\< spock4->\! << \repeat percent 2 { \repeat percent 2 { \repeat percent 4 { tomI16 16 tomII16 16 } } } { s2 s\mf\< | s4 s2.\> | s\< } >> tomIV1->\f | } bassDrum = \drummode { \improvisationOn <>\f bd16 8 16 r8. 16 r8 8 8.-> 16 | \repeat unfold 4 {r8 8} | \repeat percent 3 \repeat unfold 4 {16 16 8->} | bd1-> | } snareDrumPart = \new DrumStaff \with { \consists "Instrument_name_engraver" instrumentName = "Snare" shortInstrumentName = "Sn." drumStyleTable = #percussion-style % Not sure why you need 5 lines here % \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1 % \override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'(0) % \override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-2 . 2) } \new DrumVoice << \songStructure \snareDrum >> tenorDrumsPart = \new DrumStaff \with { \consists "Instrument_name_engraver" instrumentName = "Tenor" shortInstrumentName = "Ten." %drumStyleTable = #tenor-drums % I'm not sure why this does not work drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table tenor-drums) drumPitchTable = #(alist->hash-table midiDrumPitches) } \new DrumVoice << \songStructure \tenorDrums >> bassDrumPart = \new DrumStaff \with { \consists "Instrument_name_engraver" instrumentName = "Bass" shortInstrumentName = "B.D." drumStyleTable = #percussion-style % Not sure why you need 5 lines here % \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1 % \override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'(0) % \override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-2 . 2) } \new DrumVoice << \songStructure \bassDrum >> scoreContent = \new StaffGroup << \snareDrumPart \tenorDrumsPart \bassDrumPart >> \score { \scoreContent \layout { } } \score { \unfoldRepeats \scoreContent \midi { } }