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Click and Point Issue

From: Stephan Zitzmann
Subject: Click and Point Issue
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 12:48:35 +0200

I have asked this question at the frescobaldi list, but Urs Liska gave me
the advice to ask here and to forward my question and his answer.

My question:

This is a excerpt of a greater score:

\version "2.19.65"

cha = \lyricmode {
  cha -- ka -- ti -- ki


dak = \lyricmode {
  da -- ka -- la


ch = {a16 a a a}
da = {\times 2/3 {a16 a a }}

TRB = {
  \set subdivideBeams = ##t

  \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)
  \set beatStructure = #'(2 2 2 2)

TRA = {

  \unset subdivideBeams

  \unset baseMoment
  \unset beatStructure


\new DrumStaff {
      \override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'(0 )

      \ch a16 a a a32 a
      \ch \ch
      \ch \ch
      \ch \ch
      \ch a16 a a a32 a
      a16 a a32 a a16 \ch
      \ch a16 a a a32 a
      \ch a16 a a a32 a
      \da \da \da \da
      \ch \ch
      \da \da \da \da
      \ch \ch
      \da \da \da \da
      \ch \ch
      \da \da \da \da
      \ch \ch
      \ch a16 a a a32 a
      a16 a a32 a a16 \ch
      \da \da \da \da
      \ch \ch
      \ch \ch
      a16 a a a32 a \ch
      \ch \ch
      \ch \ch
      \ch \ch
      \ch \ch
      \ch \ch
      \ch \ch
      \ch  a16 a a a32 a
      \ch  a16 a a a32 a
      \ch  a16 a a a32 a
      \ch  a16 a a a32 a
       \ch  a16 a a a16
       a16 a a32 a a16 a a32 a a16 a32 a
       a16 a a32 a a16 \ch
       a16 a a32 a a16 \ch
       \ch a32 a a16 a a
       a16 a a a32 a a32 a a16 a a
       \ch \ch
      \da \da \da \da
      \ch \ch
      \ch \ch
      \da \da \da \da
      a16 a a a32 a\ch

    \addlyrics {
      \override LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = 1.5
      \revert LyricText.color \cha \cha  ba --
      \cha  \cha
      \cha \cha
      \cha \cha
      weg -- ta  -- ti -- ki \cha  ba --
      cha -- ka  -- ti -- ba -- da \cha
      weg -- ta  -- ti -- ki \cha  ba --
      \cha \cha  ba --
      \dak \dak \dak \dak
      \cha \cha
      \dak \dak da -- ba -- la ba -- la -- da
      \cha \cha
      \dak ba -- la -- da \dak \dak

      \cha \cha
      \dak \dak \dak \dak
      \cha \cha
      weg -- ta  -- ti -- ki \cha  ba --
      cha -- ka  -- ti -- ba -- da \cha
      \dak \dak \dak \dak
      \cha \cha
      \cha \cha
      weg -- ka -- ti -- ki  ba -- \cha
      weg -- ka -- ti -- ki \cha
      \cha \cha
      \cha \cha
      \cha \cha
      \cha \cha
      \cha \cha
      \cha \cha ba --
      \cha \cha ba --
      \cha \cha ba --
      \cha \cha ba --
       \cha \cha
       cha -- ka -- ti  bi -- ki
       cha -- ka  ba -- ti -- ki ba --
       cha -- ka -- ti  bi -- ki \cha
       cha -- ka -- ti  bi -- ki \cha
       \cha  cha -- ba --  ka -- ti -- ki
       weg -- ka -- ti -- ki  ba -- cha -- ba --  ka -- ti -- ki
       \cha \cha
        \dak \dak \dak \dak
      \cha \cha
       \cha \cha
        \dak \dak \dak \dak
      \cha ba -- \cha

If I am clicking on a note or  syllable in the note viewer I am landning not
at the place, where I  am using the predefinied
variable, I am landing where I definied the variables. So I have to scroll
and I am lost a little bit in the code. This is not helpfull.

Urs Liska answer:

This is an issue with LilyPond, not with Frescobaldi. The point is that the
"origin" which is saved in the graphical symbol points to the *definition*
of it and not to where you use it.

The only way I can see to overcome this is to change your variables like \ch
or \dak to Scheme functions that massage that origin. This is somewhat more
involved, and I don't see right now *how* complicated it would be and
therefore whether it would be worth the trouble.

But I suggest you repost your question (incorporating my comments) on the
lilypond-user mailing list because there are many more people who may be
able to help you.

Good luck

My personal opinion is, I do not need help. But I think it is a kind of bug.
Because of the resulting big unusibality.


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