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Re: Switch back a \voiceOne to \oneVoice

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Switch back a \voiceOne to \oneVoice
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2017 23:07:48 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Robert Kubosz <address@hidden> writes:

> Thanks, David, I will definitely use tagGroup. I see some possible
> application for it in my work.
> It is revolutionary for me, that I can tag not only _music_, but also
> a music command. This idea never crossed my mind.

\voiceTwo _is_ music rather than a music command.

\void \displayLilyMusic \voiceTwo delivers

  \override Voice.AccidentalSuggestion.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.DotColumn.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.Dots.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.Fingering.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.LaissezVibrerTie.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.LigatureBracket.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.MultiMeasureRest.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.PhrasingSlur.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.RepeatTie.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.Rest.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.Script.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.Slur.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.Stem.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.TextScript.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.Tie.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.TupletBracket.direction = #-1
  \override Voice.TrillSpanner.direction = #-1
  \set Voice.graceSettings = #'((Voice Stem font-size -3) (Voice Flag font-size 
-3) (Voice NoteHead font-size -3) (Voice TabNoteHead font-size -4) (Voice Dots 
font-size -3) (Voice Stem length-fraction 0.8) (Voice Stem no-stem-extend #t) 
(Voice Beam beam-thickness 0.384) (Voice Beam length-fraction 0.8) (Voice 
Accidental font-size -4) (Voice AccidentalCautionary font-size -4) (Voice 
Script font-size -3) (Voice Fingering font-size -8) (Voice StringNumber 
font-size -8))
  \override Voice.NoteColumn.horizontal-shift = #0

Which is a whole lot of music.

If you want to tag a music command (namely something that still needs
arguments before being complete music), there is \etc to do the job: you
can write something like

    baba = \tag music \tweak color #red \etc

and then

    \baba c'4

expands to

    \tag music \tweak color #red c'4

David Kastrup

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