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Re: Need assistance hammering a Hymn template together

From: Jacques Menu Muzhic
Subject: Re: Need assistance hammering a Hymn template together
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2017 19:24:55 +0200

Hello br. bruno,

You can control where a rest shows up with say



Le 16 oct. 2017 à 18:55, David Kastrup <address@hidden> a écrit :

Bruno Boyko <address@hidden> writes:

Hello all:

I am reworking our Office Books (public prayer books) and as part of that I
am putting together a hymn template I have come reasonably close to what I
want, thanks to modifying the hymn template found in Frescobaldi. I only
need one voice and it isn't SATB. Here is a snippet::

\version "2.18.2"

first = \relative c'' {
 \override Score.SpacingSpanner.strict-note-spacing = ##t
 \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/10)
 \key g \minor
 g4 g g g g g f f4.
 g4 g g g f g g g2
 g4 g g f e f e d4.
 e4 f f f e g f f2 f4(
  g f) e2( f)
\score {
\new Staff \with {   \remove "Bar_engraver" \remove
"Time_signature_engraver" } <<
 \new Voice = "first" { \voiceOne \first }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "first" \verseOne
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "first" \verseTwo
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "first" \verseThree


A few points. This almost gives me what I am looking for. But:
1. Lets say I add a rest (say, r4) after the f4. The rest goes on the top
line rather than the middle one. Granted, my knowledge of music theory can
fit in a thimble with room to spare, but that does not seem right to me
2. What would be considered "best practice" when dealing with hymns where
the refrain is first, such as in "Lift High the Cross?"

Just remove \voiceOne : it is for creating a voice distinct from
\voiceTwo which you don't have.

David Kastrup

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