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Re: Conductor cues using brackets

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: Conductor cues using brackets
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2017 22:49:53 +0100

2017-11-15 18:08 GMT+01:00 Pierre-Luc Gauthier <address@hidden>:
> Hi there,
> Is there a way to add a bracket (say, a piano bracket) in the middle
> of a multiple staff score that would be spanning vertically over an
> arbitrary number of staff?
> Since it is rather hard to explain, please see attached PNG.
> I often spend hours writing cue notes by hand (sharpy + color coded
> pen, etc) on conductor scores mainly for notating player entry and
> specific cues. The problem is that it obviously cannot be reproduced
> if I, for whatever reason, reprint the score as those cues are hand
> written.
> So, what I would hope for, is some way of getting LilyPond to insert
> brackets inside a score like the one in the attached PNG.
> Thanks for any pointers.
> --
> Pierre-Luc Gauthier

Best I can think of is something at the lines of my older coding
below, hacking GridLine/GridPoint.
You may want to replace make-bow-stencil with a stencil derived from
left-brace-markup or with the ones from

\version "2.19.56"

parentheses =
#(define-music-function (shorten-pair padding dir)
  ((pair? '(0 . 0)) number? ly:dir?)
  "@var{dir} sets the opening/closing direction of the parentheses.
  @var{padding} moves the parentheses in X-axis direction, recognized by the
  spacing-engine.  See limitations below, though.
  The optional @var{shorten-pair} may be used to adjust the parentheses in
  Y-axis direction.
  The final parentheses will cover all Staffs of the current system.
  Accidentals, dots, etc are not taken into account.
  To avoid collisions adjusting @var{padding} neds to be done manually."
    \once \override Staff.GridPoint.X-offset = $padding
    \once\override Score.GridLine.shorten-pair = $shorten-pair
    \once \override Score.GridLine.stencil =
      #(lambda (grob)
        (let* ((stil (ly:grid-line-interface::print grob))
               (stil-y-ext (ly:stencil-extent stil Y))
               (thick (ly:grob-property grob 'thickness 0.1))
               ;; hijacking shorten-pair
               (shorten-pair (ly:grob-property grob 'shorten-pair '(0 . 0)))
               ;; GridLine goes from the middle of top to bottom staff
               ;; Thus we extend it by 2 (the default staff-space) and add a
               ;; little extra over-shoot, i.e 0.5.
               ;; The new parentheses starts at '(- dir) in X-axis direction to
               ;; avoid collisions with preceding grobs
               ;; The values are tweakable via overrides for
               ;; Score.GridLine.shorten-pair.
               ;; TODO get staff-space from layout
                 (cons (- dir)
                       (- (car stil-y-ext) 2.5 (- (car shorten-pair)))))
                 (cons (- dir)
                       (+ (cdr stil-y-ext) 2.5 (- (cdr shorten-pair)))))
               ;; see 'make-tie-stencil' from stencil.scm
               (height-limit 0.7)
               (ratio 0.33)
               ;; taken from
                 (lambda (x) (* (/ 2 PI) (atan (* PI x 0.5)))))
                 (lambda (w h_inf r_0) (F0_1 (* (/ (* w r_0) h_inf) h_inf))))
               (width (abs (- (cdr start) (cdr stop))))
               (angularity 0.5)
               (height (slur-height width height-limit ratio)))
          thick angularity height (- dir))))

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists "Grid_point_engraver"
    %% adjust the value if needed
    gridInterval = #(ly:make-moment 1/64)
  \context {
    \consists "Grid_line_span_engraver"
    \override GridLine.stencil = ##f

\new StaffGroup
\relative {
  \parentheses #-2.5 #LEFT
  \parentheses #'(9 . 0) #-1.5 #LEFT

  \parentheses #'(9 . 9) #-1.5 #LEFT
  \parentheses #'(9 . 9) #2.5 #RIGHT
  \parentheses #'(9 . 0) #2.5 #RIGHT
  \parentheses #2.5 #RIGHT
\relative { c'' d c d c d }
\relative { c'' d c d c d }

HTH a bit,

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