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Song starts off with an incomplete bar...

From: Chris Jones
Subject: Song starts off with an incomplete bar...
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 17:28:45 -0500
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170113 (1.7.2)

How should I handle it?

Here's the "simple example":

  |    \version "2.18.2"
  |    \header {
  |    }
  |    global = {
  |      \time 4/4
  |      \key g \major
  |    }
  |    melody = \relative c {
  |      \global
  |        d'16                \bar "||"    %b00
  |        g8 f e a a b g g          |      %b01
  |        g  f e a a b g g          |      %b02
  |        g  f e a a b g g          |      %b03
  |        g  f e a a b g g          |      %b04
  |        g  f e a a b g g          |      %b05
  |        g  f e a a b g g          |      %b06
  |        g  f e a a b g g          |      %b07
  |        g  f e a a b g g          |      %b08
  |        g  f e a a b g g          |      %b09
  |        g  f e a a b g g          |      %b10
  |        g  f e a a b g g          |      %b11
  |        g  f e a a b g g    \bar "|."    %b12   
  |    }
  |    rh = \relative c'' {
  |      \global
  |        r16                 \bar "||"    %b00
  |        g4 g g g                  |      %b01
  |        g  g g g                  |      %b02
  |        g  g g g                  |      %b03
  |        g  g g g                  |      %b04
  |        g  g g g                  |      %b05
  |        g  g g g                  |      %b06
  |        g  g g g                  |      %b07
  |        g  g g g                  |      %b08
  |        g  g g g                  |      %b09
  |        g  g g g                  |      %b10
  |        g  g g g                  |      %b10
  |        g  g g g            \bar "|."    %b12   
  |    }
  |    lh = \relative c'' {
  |      \global
  |        r16                 \bar "||"    %b00
  |        g,4 g g g                 |      %b01
  |        g   g g g                 |      %b02              
  |        g   g g g                 |      %b03              
  |        g   g g g                 |      %b04              
  |        g   g g g                 |      %b05              
  |        g   g g g                 |      %b06              
  |        g   g g g                 |      %b07
  |        g   g g g                 |      %b08
  |        g   g g g                 |      %b09
  |        g   g g g                 |      %b10
  |        g   g g g                 |      %b10
  |        g   g g g           \bar "|."    %b12   
  |    }
  |    pianoPart = \new PianoStaff \with {
  |      instrumentName = "Piano"
  |    } <<
  |      \new Staff = "rh" \with {
  |      } \rh
  |      \new Staff = "lh" \with {
  |      } { \clef bass \lh }
  |    >>
  |    \score {
  |      <<
  |        \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Voice" } { \melody }
  |        \pianoPart
  |      >>
  |      \layout { }
  |    }

 The "incomplete bar" (cf. %b00) skips the initial rests and only
 includes the useful part, which is the first note of the melody.

 If you engrave/compile the above example you should get a couple of
 "barcheck failed" messages (warnings) and as to the resulting pdf...

 1. it stretches the initial bar the full width of the page

 2. it appears to attempt to engrave the following 12 bars on a single
    set of 1+2 staves, truncating somewhere in the middle of bar #7
    (b07) with the rest of the example falling off the right edge of the

 In order to be able to see the ouput of my effort and continue with my
 transcription I temporarily worked around the problem by changing "bar
 zero" to: 

       r2 r4 r8 r16 d'16   \bar "||"   %b00

 (and changing the "r16" to "r1" in the corresponding piano part.)

 But it looks rather clumsy and I would much rather not change anything
 to the original I am transcribing.

 I can think of quite a lot of sheet music that is thus typeset...
 especially in the realm of simple folk songs (voice +keyboard).

 So it has to be something very basic that I must have missed while
 reading the fine manual over the weekend... and I can't think of the
 proper keywords to point me to the relevant documentation. 

 How could I fix this?



 PS. Attaching the example file and its pdf ouput to clarify.

Description: Text Data

Attachment: cc04.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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