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Non-standard ledger lines and articulations collisions

From: Paul Morris
Subject: Non-standard ledger lines and articulations collisions
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2018 09:56:41 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.5.0

Hi all,  I'm working on a work-around for a collision between ledger lines and articulations, for Clairnote an alternative notation system:  LilyPond does not currently take non-standard 'extra' ledger lines into account when positioning articulations.  Here's a minimal example with a proof of concept for a possible work-around:


\version "2.19.63"

m = {

% collisions ahead!
  \override Staff.StaffSymbol.ledger-extra = 2

% wrap the usual Script.Y-offset procedure in another
% one to make an adjustment to what it returns, to
% avoid the collisions
  \override Staff.StaffSymbol.ledger-extra = 2
  \override Staff.Script.Y-offset =
  #(lambda (grob)
     (+ 1 (ly:side-position-interface::y-aligned-side grob)))


Here's my specific question.  The docs say this for the Y-offset property of the Script object:
Y-offset (number):

#<unpure-pure-container #<primitive-procedure ly:side-position-interface::y-aligned-side> #<primitive-procedure ly:side-position-interface::pure-y-aligned-side> >

The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent.

But in the source code, in 'scm/define-grobs.scm', for the Script grob I see no mention of unpure-pure-container:

(Y-offset . ,side-position-interface::y-aligned-side)

I see other grob properties in that file that do have the unpure-pure-container pattern, like Rest.Y-extent:

(Y-extent . ,(ly:make-unpure-pure-container ly:rest::height ly:rest::pure-height))

So am I missing something or are the docs off for Script.Y-offset?  Is a call to "(ly:side-position-interface::y-aligned-side grob)" actually the default call to use? 

(On the other hand, maybe it would work to change the Y-parent of Script grobs to be the ledger lines grob in cases where there are ledger lines that are further from the staff than the furthest note head?)


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