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Force top-system-spacing to be absolute

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Force top-system-spacing to be absolute
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 14:27:07 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.5.2


I nearly went nuts trying to figure out what I did wrong with converting staffsize to staffspace to mm to points to bigpoints and not getting anywhere with my score.

I want to have a score start with a defined position of the first staff symbol to match the type area of a surrounding text document. For this I thought to set the margin to zero and calculate the value for the actual margin in points. Then I'd set top-system-spacing to that value (plus 2 to shift from the middle to the top staffline).

\version "2.19"
\header {
  copyright = ""
  tagline = ##f

  indent = 0
  print-page-number = ##f
  top-margin = 0\pt
  top-system-spacing =
  #'((basic-distance . 16)
     (minimum-distance . 0)
     (padding . 0)
     (stretchability . 0))
  annotate-spacing = ##t

  \repeat unfold 50 { c' d' e' d' }

Now I've finally found out my calculations are actually correct, as can be seen from the annotated output in top-margin.png.

However, when I change the repeat to 150 LilyPond compresses the output pretty much, which is still nice as an engraving but also moves the first system up (see top-margin-compressed.png). You can see that the distance of "16" is still in place, but it doesn't point to the middle staffline anymore.

I assume that it's not the reference point that has changed but the system has been offset vertically from that reference point.

What is the correct way to force the first system to be at an absolute position on the staff, i.e. in the example the center line exactly 16 staff spaces below the page border?


Attachment: top-margin.png
Description: PNG image

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