\documentclass[a4]{mymusictext} \begin{document} \dated{2012-03-30} \yearsundaypsalmchant{}{Good Friday}{Psalm 31 vv 1, 6, 13–14, 16–18 \& 27}{../chants/d-garrett-fminor}{} \large \VA{\mp}{1.} In thee O Lord have I | put my | trust : \VB{} let me never be put to confusion, *\\ de- | liver _ me | in thy | righteousness. \VA{}{6.} Into thy hands I com- | mend my | spirit : \VB{} for thou hast redeem’d me, O | Lord thou | God of | truth. \VP{}{13.} I became a reproof among all mine enemies, * but especially\\ a- | mong my | neighbours : \VB{} and they of mine acquaintance were afraid of me; * and\\ they that did see me with- | out con- | vey’d them-selves | from me. \VA{}{14.} I am clean forgotten, as a dead man | out of | mind : \VB{} I am be- | come _ like a | bro-ken | vessel. \nextsnippet{../chants/address@hidden \VP{\mf}{16.} But my hope hath been in | thee, O | \textit{Lord} : \VB{} I have said, | Thou — | art my | God. \VA{}{17.} My time is | in thy | \textit{hand} : \VB{} deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, * | and from |\\ them that | persecute me. \VP{}{18.} Shew thy servant the | light of _ thy | counten-ance : \VB{} and | save me _ for thy | mer-cy’s | sake. \VA{}{27.} Be strong, and he shall es- | tablish _ your | \textit{heart} : \VB{} all ye that | put your | trust _ in the | Lord. \vfill \end{document}