\version "2.19.80" \language "english" \include "oll-core/package.ily" \loadPackage edition-engraver \addEdition test \consistToContexts #edition-engraver Voice toRH = { \change Staff = "PianoRH" } toLH = { \change Staff = "PianoLH" } music = \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "PianoRH" << \new Voice \relative c' { \time 3/8 \key b \minor \voiceOne es8 fs \oneVoice r16 \voiceOne es~ 4 fs8 \bar "||" } \new Voice \relative c' { \toLH \voiceOne r16 r r \toRH \voiceTwo r d cs b as cs } >> \new Staff = "PianoLH" << \new Voice \relative c { \clef F \key b \minor \voiceTwo d8 bs cs \oneVoice r16 \voiceOne b d8 cs } >> >> \editionMod test 1 5/16 tiedown.Voice.A { \once \tieDown \once \override Tie.color = #red } \score { \music \header { piece = "\\tieDown doesn't work" } \layout { \context { \Score \editionID tiedown } } } \editionMod test 1 5/16 tiedirection.Voice.A { \once \override Tie.direction = #DOWN \once \override Tie.color = #red } \score { \music \header { piece = "Overriding Tie.direction doesn't work" } \layout { \context { \Score \editionID tiedirection } } } forceRebelTie = #(define-music-function (dir) (ly:dir?) #{ \override Tie.before-line-breaking = #(lambda (grob) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'direction dir)) #} ) \editionMod test 1 5/16 blb.Voice.A { \once \forceRebelTie #DOWN \once \override Tie.color = #red } \score { \music \header { piece = "Overriding Tie.before-line-breaking and setting the property does work" } \layout { \context { \Score \editionID blb } } } \editionMod test 1 2/4 testscore.Voice.A \once \tieDown \editionMod test 2 2/4 testscore.Voice.A \once \override Tie.direction = #DOWN \editionMod test 3 2/4 testscore.Voice.A \once \forceRebelTie #DOWN \score { \new PianoStaff { \new Staff { \new Voice \relative c'' { \time 3/4 r2 4~ | 2 4~ | 2 4~ | 2 r4 } } } \header { piece = "The methods above all work here" } \layout { \context { \Score \editionID testscore } } }