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Re: My Lilypond 2.18 crashes when combining slur and tie on a note

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: My Lilypond 2.18 crashes when combining slur and tie on a note
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 01:40:48 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Frank Steinmetzger <address@hidden> writes:

> Dear list,
> after a long hiatus, I am now typing another piece for choir. But after I
> had finished the first voice, the document would not compile. I narrowed it
> down to the following MWE. See the comment in the second line with notes:
> \version "2.18"
> \language "deutsch"
> SopranNoten = \relative c'' {
>         \dynamicUp
>         \time 4/4
>         \key d \major
>         \clef treble
>         d=''2 cis4\!\f\< h |
>         e\> a,\! d2~( |  % remove either ~ or ( from that d2, and it compiles
>         d cis4) h |
> }
> \score{
>         \SopranNoten
>         \layout{}
> }
> This snippet causes Lilypond to crash on my machines. Both run Gentoo Linux
> with identical versions, namely Lilypoind 2.18.2. I installed 2.18.2 on an
> Ubuntu and an Arch installation. Both of them have no problem. :'-(

You are likely compiling 2.18.2 with a compiler version that is too new
(and optimises out a this == 0 comparison).  There is an issue/patch in
the 2.19 development fixing this but you might find a compiler option
that leaves off this optimization.

David Kastrup

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