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Re: problems in spacing

From: Davide Liessi
Subject: Re: problems in spacing
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 16:48:05 +0200

Dear Massimiliano,
a recommendation before addressing your questions.

When you write to the list, please always state which LilyPond version
you are using, because there can be differences in syntax and
behaviour, although in this case the differences are not related to
your problems.
I assume you are using 2.18.x or some early 2.19.x due to the syntax
for "system-system-spacing #'basic-distance", which more recently
became "system-system-spacing.basic-distance".
It is good practice to include a \version statement in your files,
recording the LilyPond version the file was written for (see

Il giorno mer 24 ott 2018 alle ore 15:58 Massimiliano Viel
<address@hidden> ha scritto:
> With system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #22 I have  2 pages and one 
> system in the 3rd.
> With system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #21 I have less than 2 full 
> pages
> How can I have 2 complete pages?! What do I do wrong?

You can put
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
in the \paper block, and then you can get rid of the
system-system-spacing setting as well (see

> Moreover Frescobaldi signals to me #(set-global-staff-size 16) with the red 
> color. Why is that? The code renders without errore, but that color seems to 
> point me to some misuse. Is it true?

That instruction can be used only outside any variable, either in a
\book block or outside any block (see

Best wishes.

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