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[Linphone-users] Linphone iOS problem

From: Robert Huang
Subject: [Linphone-users] Linphone iOS problem
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 14:31:17 +0800

Dear Linphone Developers,

I’m Robert, a developer from Taiwan.
We got a problem of Linphone iOS app connecting to our own server.
At the same time, we tried on the Android app, it worked fine.
The attached file we sent in the email are the screen shots of both iOS and Android app’s packet.
We’ve fount out that the difference between these two screen shots is the authorisation part.
iOS app didn’t send authorisation to the server.
Is there any solution that we can add the authorisation to the iOS app and make this registration work?

Very sincerely,



專案經理 Project Manager

黃敬傑 Robert Huang

phone: +886-2-89315618

mobile: +886909260568

email: address@hidden

address: 台北市文山區羅斯福路六段159巷1弄12號10樓

Attachment: linphone_android.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: Linphone_ios.png
Description: PNG image

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