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[lmc-dev] release 0.10 is out

From: lmc-dev
Subject: [lmc-dev] release 0.10 is out
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2005 15:45:23 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.7.2


to make it short: I just uploaded release 0.10 with several bug-fixes and new 
The following is en exerpt from the ChangeLog:

2005-02-05  Uwe Mayer  <address@hidden>
* added support for passing default file through the command line
* added reopenLastFile configuration setting
* added support for recent files in file menu
* fixed bug: creating a new file caused AMCFile33 header
fields to be initialised to "None"
* added menu action for deleting picture
* added menu action for copying picture
* added menu action for saving picture
* removed link-image menu option
* fixed bug: amazon-en.pl aborted with errors on special search words

2005-02-04  Uwe Mayer  <address@hidden>
* fixed bug: incremental search on no records was possible
* fixed bug: normal search in grouped mode did not work
* changed: deleting an image does not remove it from filesystem any more
* fixed bug: deleting picture from record was not possible
* fixed bug: decoding embedded picture raised exception on empty image
* added confirmation dialog wether linked image should be deleted from 
* added: configuration is saved on exit
* added: find dialog remembers find options
* added: prevent eject or unmount if mount exited with non-zero exit code

I hope I didn't miss anything.

Never say you know a man until you have divided an inheritance with him.

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