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[lmi-commits] [5370] Restore wxListView census manager from revision 530

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi-commits] [5370] Restore wxListView census manager from revision 5304 under a new name
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2012 11:36:24 +0000

Revision: 5370
Author:   chicares
Date:     2012-01-21 11:36:23 +0000 (Sat, 21 Jan 2012)
Log Message:
Restore wxListView census manager from revision 5304 under a new name

Revision Links:

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: lmi/trunk/ChangeLog
--- lmi/trunk/ChangeLog 2012-01-20 10:34:10 UTC (rev 5369)
+++ lmi/trunk/ChangeLog 2012-01-21 11:36:23 UTC (rev 5370)
@@ -29494,3 +29494,12 @@
 Remove unwanted arguments from Irc7702::Irc7702().
+20120121T1136Z <address@hidden> [615]
+  census_view_old.cpp
+  census_view_old.hpp
+Restore wxListView census manager from revision 5304 under a new name,
+updating only copyright, header name, and include guards for now. The
+goal is to release a stable system while wxDVC development continues,
+but without changes like those made 20111026T1342Z and 20111028T1211Z.

Added: lmi/trunk/census_view_old.cpp
--- lmi/trunk/census_view_old.cpp                               (rev 0)
+++ lmi/trunk/census_view_old.cpp       2012-01-21 11:36:23 UTC (rev 5370)
@@ -0,0 +1,1082 @@
+// Census manager.
+// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 
2010, 2011, 2012 Gregory W. Chicares.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+// Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+// http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lmi
+// email: <address@hidden>
+// snail: Chicares, 186 Belle Woods Drive, Glastonbury CT 06033, USA
+// $Id$
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#   include "pchfile.hpp"
+#   pragma hdrstop
+#endif // __BORLANDC__
+#include "census_view_old.hpp"
+#include "alert.hpp"
+#include "assert_lmi.hpp"
+#include "census_document.hpp"
+#include "configurable_settings.hpp"
+#include "contains.hpp"
+#include "default_view.hpp"
+#include "illustration_view.hpp"
+#include "illustrator.hpp"
+#include "input.hpp"
+#include "ledger.hpp"
+#include "ledger_text_formats.hpp"
+#include "miscellany.hpp" // is_ok_for_cctype()
+#include "mvc_controller.hpp"
+#include "path_utility.hpp"
+#include "safely_dereference_as.hpp"
+#include "wx_new.hpp"
+#include "wx_utility.hpp" // class ClipboardEx
+#include <wx/icon.h>
+#include <wx/listctrl.h>
+#include <wx/menu.h>
+#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
+#include <wx/xrc/xmlres.h>
+#include <wx/wupdlock.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <cstdio>         // std::remove()
+#include <istream>        // std::ws
+#include <iterator>
+#include <sstream>
+// TODO ?? Can't this macro be dispensed with?
+#define ID_LISTWINDOW 12345
+    // TODO ?? Add description and unit tests; consider relocating,
+    // and include "miscellany.hpp" only in ultimate location.
+    std::string insert_spaces_between_words(std::string const& s)
+    {
+        std::string r;
+        std::insert_iterator<std::string> j(r, r.begin());
+        std::string::const_iterator i;
+        for(i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i)
+            {
+            if(is_ok_for_cctype(*i) && std::isupper(*i) && !r.empty())
+                {
+                *j++ = ' ';
+                }
+            *j++ = *i;
+            }
+        return r;
+    }
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CensusView, ViewEx)
+    EVT_CONTEXT_MENU(                        CensusView::UponRightClick)
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("edit_cell"             ),CensusView::UponEditCell )
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("edit_class"            ),CensusView::UponEditClass)
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("edit_case"             ),CensusView::UponEditCase )
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("run_cell"              ),CensusView::UponRunCell)
+//    EVT_MENU(XRCID("run_class"             ),CensusView::UponRunClass)   // 
SOMEDAY !! This may be useful for large cases.
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("run_case"              ),CensusView::UponRunCase)
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("print_case"            ),CensusView::UponPrintCase)
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("print_case_to_disk"    ),CensusView::UponPrintCaseToDisk)
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("print_spreadsheet"     
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("paste_census"          ),CensusView::UponPasteCensus)
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("add_cell"              ),CensusView::UponAddCell)
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("delete_cells"          ),CensusView::UponDeleteCells)
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("column_width_varying"  
+    EVT_MENU(XRCID("column_width_fixed"    ),CensusView::UponColumnWidthFixed)
+// TODO ?? There has to be a better way than this.
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("edit_cell"            
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("edit_class"           
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("edit_case"            
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("run_cell"             
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("run_class"            
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("run_case"             
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("print_case"           
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("print_case_to_disk"   
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("print_spreadsheet"    
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("paste_census"         
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("add_cell"             
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("delete_cells"         
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("column_width_varying" 
+    EVT_UPDATE_UI(XRCID("column_width_fixed"   
+// TODO ?? Not label-edit.
+//    EVT_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT(ID_LISTWINDOW,CensusView::UponBeginLabelEdit)
+// Don't do this either--it's triggered by spacebar.
+//    EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED(ID_LISTWINDOW  ,CensusView::UponBeginLabelEdit)
+    :ViewEx                          ()
+    ,all_changes_have_been_validated_(true)
+    ,composite_is_available_         (false)
+    ,was_cancelled_                  (false)
+    ,list_window_                    (0)
+inline std::vector<Input>& CensusView::case_parms()
+    return document().doc_.case_parms_;
+inline std::vector<Input> const& CensusView::case_parms() const
+    return document().doc_.case_parms_;
+inline std::vector<Input>& CensusView::cell_parms()
+    return document().doc_.cell_parms_;
+inline std::vector<Input> const& CensusView::cell_parms() const
+    return document().doc_.cell_parms_;
+inline std::vector<Input>& CensusView::class_parms()
+    return document().doc_.class_parms_;
+inline std::vector<Input> const& CensusView::class_parms() const
+    return document().doc_.class_parms_;
+// TODO ?? Is this abstraction actually useful?
+std::string CensusView::cell_title(int index)
+    std::string full_name(cell_parms()[index]["InsuredName"].str());
+    std::ostringstream title;
+    title << "Parameters for cell " << (1 + index);
+    if(!full_name.empty())
+        {
+        title << " (" << full_name << ")";
+        }
+    return title.str();
+// TODO ?? Is this abstraction actually useful?
+std::string CensusView::class_title(int index)
+    std::string class_name = class_name_from_cell_number(index);
+    std::ostringstream title;
+    title << "Default parameters for employee class ";
+    if(class_name.empty())
+        {
+        title << "[unnamed]";
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        title << "'" << class_name << "'";
+        }
+    return title.str();
+// TODO ?? Is this abstraction actually useful?
+std::string CensusView::class_name_from_cell_number(int cell_number) const
+    return cell_parms()[cell_number]["EmployeeClass"].str();
+Input* CensusView::class_parms_from_class_name(std::string const& class_name)
+    std::vector<Input>::iterator i = class_parms().begin();
+    while(i != class_parms().end())
+        {
+        // TODO ?? Add an any_member operator== instead.
+        if(class_name == (*i)["EmployeeClass"].str())
+            {
+            return &*i;
+            }
+        ++i;
+        }
+    return 0;
+    // Determine which columns need to be displayed because their rows
+    // would not all be identical--i.e. because at least one cell or one
+    // class default differs from the case default wrt that column.
+bool CensusView::column_value_varies_across_cells
+    (std::string        const& header
+    ,std::vector<Input> const& cells
+    ) const
+    std::vector<Input>::const_iterator j;
+    for(j = cells.begin(); j != cells.end(); ++j)
+        {
+        if(!((*j)[header] == case_parms()[0][header]))
+            {
+            return true;
+            }
+        }
+    return false;
+wxWindow* CensusView::CreateChildWindow()
+    list_window_ = new(wx) wxListView
+        (GetFrame()
+        );
+    // Show headers.
+    Update();
+    document().Modify(false);
+    status() << std::flush;
+    return list_window_;
+CensusDocument& CensusView::document() const
+    return safely_dereference_as<CensusDocument>(GetDocument());
+    // Display exactly those columns whose rows aren't all identical. For
+    // this purpose, consider as "rows" the individual cells--and also the
+    // case and class defaults, even though they aren't displayed in rows.
+    // Reason: although the case and class defaults are hidden, they're
+    // still information--so if the user made them different from any cell
+    // wrt some column, we respect that conscious decision.
+// Only DisplayAllVaryingData() uses the data member this assigns,
+// so move the logic into that function (if that remains true).
+void CensusView::identify_varying_columns()
+    headers_of_varying_parameters_.clear();
+    std::vector<std::string> const& 
+    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i;
+    for(i = all_headers.begin(); i != all_headers.end(); ++i)
+        {
+        if
+            (  column_value_varies_across_cells(*i, class_parms())
+            || column_value_varies_across_cells(*i, cell_parms ())
+            )
+            {
+            headers_of_varying_parameters_.push_back(*i);
+            }
+        }
+int CensusView::edit_parameters
+    (Input&             lmi_input
+    ,std::string const& name
+    )
+    if(is_invalid())
+        {
+        return false;
+        }
+    bool dirty = document().IsModified();
+    Input edited_lmi_input = lmi_input;
+    DefaultView const default_view;
+    MvcController controller(GetFrame(), edited_lmi_input, default_view);
+    controller.SetTitle(name);
+    int rc = controller.ShowModal();
+    if(wxID_OK == rc)
+        {
+        if(lmi_input != edited_lmi_input)
+            {
+            lmi_input = edited_lmi_input;
+            dirty = true;
+            }
+        document().Modify(dirty);
+        }
+    return rc;
+bool CensusView::is_invalid()
+    if(!all_changes_have_been_validated_)
+        {
+        int z = wxMessageBox
+            ("Cannot proceed without first validating changes."
+            ,"Validate changes now?"
+            ,wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION
+            );
+        if(wxYES == z)
+            {
+            // TODO ?? Reserved for grid implementation.
+            }
+        }
+    return false;
+// TODO ?? Reserved for a grid implementation.
+int CensusView::selected_column()
+    return 0;
+int CensusView::selected_row()
+// TODO ?? Lossy type conversion: GetFirstSelected() returns a long
+// int, here and elsewhere in this file.
+    int row = list_window_->GetFirstSelected();
+    if(row < 0)
+        {
+        row = 0;
+// TODO ?? Reserve for grid implementation.
+//        fatal_error() << "No row selected." << LMI_FLUSH;
+        }
+    if(static_cast<int>(cell_parms().size()) <= row)
+        {
+// TODO ?? OK if about to delete?
+//        fatal_error() << "Invalid row selected." << LMI_FLUSH;
+        }
+    return row;
+// Make a vector of all class names used by any individual, from
+// scratch; and update the vector of class default parameters,
+// adding any new classes, and purging any that are no longer in use
+// by any cell.
+void CensusView::update_class_names()
+    // Extract names and add them even if they might be duplicates.
+    std::vector<std::string> all_class_names;
+    for
+        (std::vector<Input>::iterator i = cell_parms().begin()
+        ;i != cell_parms().end()
+        ;++i
+        )
+        {
+        all_class_names.push_back((*i)["EmployeeClass"].str());
+        }
+    std::vector<std::string> unique_class_names;
+    std::insert_iterator<std::vector<std::string> > iin
+        (unique_class_names
+        ,unique_class_names.begin()
+        );
+    std::sort(all_class_names.begin(), all_class_names.end());
+    std::unique_copy(all_class_names.begin(), all_class_names.end(), iin);
+// TODO ?? need parms for each?
+//    if find name in class array
+//        OK
+//    else
+//        create: copy from first matching individual
+// TODO ?? and if unmatching element in class array: delete it?
+    // Rebuild vector of class parameters so that it contains
+    // an element for each class in use.
+    std::vector<Input> rebuilt_class_parms;
+    std::vector<std::string>::iterator n = unique_class_names.begin();
+    while(n != unique_class_names.end())
+        {
+        Input* parms = class_parms_from_class_name(*n);
+        if(0 != parms)
+            {
+            // If we already have default parameters for the class,
+            // insert them into the rebuilt vector.
+            rebuilt_class_parms.push_back(*parms);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // If we do not already have default parameters for the class,
+            // find the first individual that belongs to the class and
+            // insert its parameters into the rebuilt vector.
+            std::vector<Input>::const_iterator j = cell_parms().begin();
+            bool found = false;
+            // TODO ?? There has to be a nicer way to do this with STL.
+            while(j != cell_parms().end())
+                {
+                if(*n == (*j)["EmployeeClass"].str())
+                    {
+                    rebuilt_class_parms.push_back(*j);
+                    found = true;
+                    break;
+                    }
+                ++j;
+                }
+            // It should not be possible for no cell to be found in the class.
+            if(!found)
+                {
+                fatal_error()
+                    << "Cannot find any cell in class "
+                    << "'" << *n << "'."
+                    << LMI_FLUSH
+                    ;
+                }
+            }
+        ++n;
+        }
+    // Replace the vector of class parameters with the one we rebuilt.
+    class_parms().clear();
+    std::insert_iterator<std::vector<Input> > iip(class_parms(), 
+    std::copy(rebuilt_class_parms.begin(), rebuilt_class_parms.end(), iip);
+/// Ascertain differences between old and new parameters and apply
+/// each such difference to other cells:
+///   if 'for_this_class_only' is specified, to all cells in the
+///     employee class of the old parameters;
+///   otherwise, to all cells in the entire census.
+void CensusView::apply_changes
+    (Input const& new_parms
+    ,Input const& old_parms
+    ,bool         for_this_class_only
+    )
+    // Case or class default parameters were edited and changed.
+    // Compare the default parameters before and after editing;
+    // for every parameter that was changed, assign the new value
+    // to all applicable cells, i.e.
+    //   if case  defaults changed: all cells and all class defaults;
+    //   if class defaults changed: all cells in the class.
+    // TODO ?? temp string for new value, eeclass?
+    // TODO ?? combine class and indv vectors for case changes?
+    std::vector<std::string> headers_of_changed_parameters;
+    std::vector<std::string> const& 
+    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i;
+    for
+        (i  = all_headers.begin()
+        ;i != all_headers.end  ()
+        ;++i
+        )
+        {
+        if(!(old_parms[*i] == new_parms[*i]))
+            {
+            headers_of_changed_parameters.push_back(*i);
+            }
+        }
+    for
+        (i  = headers_of_changed_parameters.begin()
+        ;i != headers_of_changed_parameters.end  ()
+        ;++i
+        )
+        {
+        if(!for_this_class_only)
+            {
+            std::vector<Input>::iterator j;
+            for
+                (j  = class_parms().begin()
+                ;j != class_parms().end  ()
+                ;++j
+                )
+                {
+                (*j)[*i] = new_parms[*i].str();
+                }
+            for
+                (j  = cell_parms().begin()
+                ;j != cell_parms().end  ()
+                ;++j
+                )
+                {
+                (*j)[*i] = new_parms[*i].str();
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            std::vector<Input>::iterator j;
+            for
+                (j  = cell_parms().begin()
+                ;j != cell_parms().end  ()
+                ;++j
+                )
+                {
+                if((*j)["EmployeeClass"] == new_parms["EmployeeClass"])
+                    {
+                    (*j)[*i] = new_parms[*i].str();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    // Probably this should be factored out into a member function
+    // that's called elsewhere too--e.g., when a cell is read from
+    // file, or when a census is pasted. For this to work fully as
+    // desired, however, the DATABASE !! must be changed. Today,
+    // it caches exactly one product, and its cache-invalidation
+    // discipline isn't sufficiently strict. For now, applying the
+    // present technique elsewhere might well exacerbate crosstalk
+    // in a census that comprises more than one product.
+    std::vector<Input>::iterator j;
+    for(j = class_parms().begin(); j != class_parms().end(); ++j)
+        {
+        j->Reconcile();
+        }
+    for(j = cell_parms() .begin(); j != cell_parms() .end(); ++j)
+        {
+        j->Reconcile();
+        }
+    composite_is_available_ = false;
+void CensusView::DisplayAllVaryingData()
+    // Column zero (cell serial number) is always shown.
+    list_window_->InsertColumn(0, "Cell");
+    for(unsigned int column = 0; column < 
headers_of_varying_parameters_.size(); ++column)
+        {
+        list_window_->InsertColumn
+            (1 + column
+            );
+        }
+    for(unsigned int row = 0; row < cell_parms().size(); ++row)
+        {
+        list_window_->InsertItem
+            (row
+            ,value_cast<std::string>(row)
+            ,0
+            );
+        // TODO ?? Necessary? Move to subfunction?
+//        long index = ?
+//        list_window_->SetItemData(index, row);
+        list_window_->SetItem(row, 0, value_cast<std::string>(1 + row));
+        for(unsigned int column = 0; column < 
headers_of_varying_parameters_.size(); ++column)
+            {
+            std::string s = 
+            list_window_->SetItem(row, 1 + column, s);
+            }
+        }
+wxIcon CensusView::Icon() const
+    return IconFromXmlResource("census_view_icon");
+wxMenuBar* CensusView::MenuBar() const
+    return MenuBarFromXmlResource("census_view_menu");
+///* TODO expunge?
+// Double-click handler.
+// Factor out code: exact duplicate of CensusView::UponEditCell().
+void CensusView::UponBeginLabelEdit(wxListEvent& event)
+    int cell_number = selected_row();
+    Input& original_parms = cell_parms()[cell_number];
+    Input temp_parms(original_parms);
+    if(wxID_OK != edit_parameters(temp_parms, cell_title(cell_number)))
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    // TODO ?? Wouldn't it be better just to have edit_parameters()
+    // say whether it changed anything?
+    if(temp_parms != original_parms)
+        {
+        original_parms = temp_parms;
+        UpdatePreservingSelection();
+        document().Modify(true);
+        }
+void CensusView::UponEditCell(wxCommandEvent&)
+    int cell_number = selected_row();
+    Input& original_parms = cell_parms()[cell_number];
+    Input temp_parms(original_parms);
+    if(wxID_OK != edit_parameters(temp_parms, cell_title(cell_number)))
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    // TODO ?? Wouldn't it be better just to have edit_parameters()
+    // say whether it changed anything?
+    if(temp_parms != original_parms)
+        {
+        original_parms = temp_parms;
+        UpdatePreservingSelection();
+        document().Modify(true);
+        }
+void CensusView::UponEditClass(wxCommandEvent&)
+    int cell_number = selected_row();
+    std::string class_name = class_name_from_cell_number(cell_number);
+    Input& original_parms = *class_parms_from_class_name(class_name);
+    Input temp_parms(original_parms);
+    if(wxID_OK != edit_parameters(temp_parms, class_title(cell_number)))
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    if(!(temp_parms == original_parms))
+        {
+        int z = wxMessageBox
+            ("Apply all changes to every cell in this class?"
+            ,"Confirm changes"
+            ,wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION
+            );
+        if(wxYES == z)
+            {
+            apply_changes(temp_parms, original_parms, true);
+            }
+        original_parms = temp_parms;
+        UpdatePreservingSelection();
+        document().Modify(true);
+        }
+void CensusView::UponEditCase(wxCommandEvent&)
+    Input& original_parms = case_parms()[0];
+    Input temp_parms(original_parms);
+    if(wxID_OK != edit_parameters(temp_parms, "Default parameters for case"))
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    if(!(temp_parms == original_parms))
+        {
+        int z = wxMessageBox
+            ("Apply all changes to every cell?"
+            ,"Confirm changes"
+            ,wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION
+            );
+        if(wxYES == z)
+            {
+            apply_changes(temp_parms, original_parms, false);
+            }
+        original_parms = temp_parms;
+        UpdatePreservingSelection();
+        document().Modify(true);
+        }
+// Make each nonfrozen column wide enough to display its widest entry,
+// ignoring column headers.
+// VZ note from sample program (is this true?):
+// "note that under MSW for SetColumnWidth() to work we need to create the
+// items with images initially even if we specify dummy image id"
+// TODO ?? Offer both ways of autosizing.
+void CensusView::UponColumnWidthVarying(wxCommandEvent&)
+    wxWindowUpdateLocker u(list_window_);
+    for(int j = 0; j < list_window_->GetColumnCount(); ++j)
+        {
+// TODO ?? Pick one, and remove the other?
+//        list_window_->SetColumnWidth(j, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE);
+        list_window_->SetColumnWidth(j, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER);
+        }
+// Shrink all nonfrozen columns to default width.
+void CensusView::UponColumnWidthFixed(wxCommandEvent&)
+    wxWindowUpdateLocker u(list_window_);
+    for(int j = 0; j < list_window_->GetColumnCount(); ++j)
+        {
+        // WX !! Sad to hardcode '80', but that's the undocumented wx default.
+        // TODO ?? If it's a default, then why must it be specified?
+        list_window_->SetColumnWidth(j, 80);
+        }
+void CensusView::UponRightClick(wxContextMenuEvent&)
+    wxMenu* census_menu = wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadMenu("census_menu_ref");
+    LMI_ASSERT(census_menu);
+    list_window_->PopupMenu(census_menu);
+    delete census_menu;
+void CensusView::UponUpdateApplicable(wxUpdateUIEvent& e)
+    e.Enable(true);
+// Update the spreadsheet display.
+// If a parameter was formerly the same for all cells but now differs due
+//  to editing, then display its column for all cells.
+// If a column was previously displayed but is now the same for all cells
+//  due to editing, then display it no longer.
+// Similarly, if an old employee class is no longer used, remove it; and
+//  if a new one comes into use, display it.
+void CensusView::Update()
+    wxWindowUpdateLocker u(list_window_);
+    list_window_->ClearAll();
+    update_class_names();
+    identify_varying_columns();
+    DisplayAllVaryingData();
+    // All displayed data is valid when this function ends.
+    all_changes_have_been_validated_ = true;
+void CensusView::UpdatePreservingSelection()
+    wxWindowUpdateLocker u(list_window_);
+    // Save active cell.
+    int selection = selected_row();
+    int top_row = list_window_->GetTopItem();
+// TODO ?? Reserve for grid implementation.
+//    int c = selected_column();
+    Update();
+    // Restore active cell.
+    // TODO ?? Better would be to restore to previously active col and row
+    // as determined by col hdr and cell #.
+    //
+    // This is kind of nasty. There's no SetTopItem(). Maybe it can be
+    // faked by 'ensuring' that the last row is visible first.
+    selection = std::min(selection, list_window_->GetItemCount());
+    list_window_->Select(selection);
+    list_window_->EnsureVisible(list_window_->GetItemCount());
+    list_window_->EnsureVisible(top_row);
+    list_window_->EnsureVisible(selection);
+void CensusView::UponPrintCase(wxCommandEvent&)
+    DoAllCells(mce_emit_pdf_to_printer);
+void CensusView::UponPrintCaseToDisk(wxCommandEvent&)
+    DoAllCells(mce_emit_pdf_file);
+void CensusView::UponRunCase(wxCommandEvent&)
+    if(is_invalid())
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    ViewComposite();
+void CensusView::UponRunCell(wxCommandEvent&)
+    if(is_invalid())
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    int cell_number = selected_row();
+    ViewOneCell(cell_number);
+void CensusView::ViewOneCell(int index)
+    std::string const name(cell_parms()[index]["InsuredName"].str());
+    IllustrationView& illview = MakeNewIllustrationDocAndView
+        (document().GetDocumentManager()
+        ,serial_file_path(base_filename(), name, index, "ill").string().c_str()
+        );
+    illview.Run(&cell_parms()[index]);
+void CensusView::ViewComposite()
+    // Run all cells if necessary to (re)generate composite numbers.
+    if(!composite_is_available_)
+        {
+        if(!DoAllCells(mce_emit_nothing))
+            {
+            return;
+            }
+        }
+    if(!was_cancelled_)
+        {
+        std::string const name("composite");
+        IllustrationView& illview = MakeNewIllustrationDocAndView
+            (document().GetDocumentManager()
+            ,serial_file_path(base_filename(), name, -1, 
+            );
+        // This is necessary for the view to be able to print.
+        illview.SetLedger(composite_ledger_);
+        illview.DisplaySelectedValuesAsHtml();
+        }
+bool CensusView::DoAllCells(mcenum_emission emission)
+    assert_consistency(case_parms()[0], cell_parms()[0]);
+    illustrator z(emission);
+    if(!z(base_filename(), cell_parms()))
+        {
+        return false;
+        }
+    composite_ledger_ = z.principal_ledger();
+    return true;
+void CensusView::UponAddCell(wxCommandEvent&)
+    if(is_invalid())
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    cell_parms().push_back(case_parms()[0]);
+    UpdatePreservingSelection();
+    document().Modify(true);
+void CensusView::UponDeleteCells(wxCommandEvent&)
+    if(is_invalid())
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    unsigned int n_items = list_window_->GetItemCount();
+    unsigned int n_sel_items = list_window_->GetSelectedItemCount();
+    if(n_items == n_sel_items)
+        {
+        warning()
+            << "Cannot delete all cells. A census must always"
+            << " contain at least one cell."
+            << LMI_FLUSH
+            ;
+        return;
+        }
+    LMI_ASSERT(n_sel_items < n_items);
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss
+        << "Irrevocably delete "
+        << n_sel_items
+        << " of "
+        << n_items
+        << " cells?"
+        ;
+    int z = wxMessageBox
+        (oss.str()
+        ,"Confirm deletion"
+        ,wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION
+        );
+    if(wxYES != z)
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    std::vector<unsigned int> erasures;
+    int index = list_window_->GetFirstSelected();
+    while(-1 != index)
+        {
+        erasures.push_back(index);
+        index = list_window_->GetNextSelected(index);
+        }
+    std::sort(erasures.begin(), erasures.end());
+    LMI_ASSERT(cell_parms().size() == n_items);
+    std::vector<Input> expurgated_cell_parms;
+    expurgated_cell_parms.reserve
+        (n_items - n_sel_items
+        );
+    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < cell_parms().size(); ++j)
+        {
+        if(!contains(erasures, j))
+            {
+            expurgated_cell_parms.push_back(cell_parms()[j]);
+            }
+        }
+    LMI_ASSERT(expurgated_cell_parms.size() == n_items - n_sel_items);
+//    cell_parms().swap(expurgated_cell_parms); // TODO ?? Would this be 
+    cell_parms() = expurgated_cell_parms;
+    Update();
+    document().Modify(true);
+// Print tab-delimited output to file loadable in spreadsheet programs.
+void CensusView::UponRunCaseToSpreadsheet(wxCommandEvent&)
+    std::string spreadsheet_filename =
+            base_filename()
+        +   configurable_settings::instance().spreadsheet_file_extension()
+        ;
+    std::remove(spreadsheet_filename.c_str());
+    DoAllCells(mce_emit_spreadsheet);
+/// Paste a census from the clipboard.
+/// See unit tests in Skeleton::UponTestPasting().
+/// A newly-created census contains one default cell, which doesn't
+/// represent user input, so it is erased before pasting new cells
+/// from the clipboard. The clipboard contents are validated before
+/// this erasure, so the document is not changed if pasting failed.
+/// But if the census contains any user input, it shouldn't be erased.
+/// User input is present if either the document has been modified
+/// (e.g., if the default cell in a new census has been changed) or
+/// the document was loaded from a file (even if it was saved with
+/// only an unmodified default cell, because the contents of any saved
+/// file are assumed to represent user intention). In this case,
+/// pasted data is appended to the cells that were already present.
+void CensusView::UponPasteCensus(wxCommandEvent&)
+    std::string const census_data = ClipboardEx::GetText();
+    std::vector<std::string> headers;
+    std::vector<Input> cells;
+    std::istringstream iss_census(census_data);
+    std::string line;
+    // Get header line; parse into field names.
+    if(std::getline(iss_census, line, '\n'))
+        {
+        iss_census >> std::ws;
+        std::istringstream iss_line(line);
+        std::string token;
+        while(std::getline(iss_line, token, '\t'))
+            {
+            headers.push_back(token);
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        warning() << "Error pasting census data: no header line." << LMI_FLUSH;
+        return;
+        }
+    // Read each subsequent line into an input object representing one cell.
+    int current_line = 0;
+    while(std::getline(iss_census, line, '\n'))
+        {
+        ++current_line;
+        iss_census >> std::ws;
+        Input current_cell(case_parms()[0]);
+        std::istringstream iss_line(line);
+        std::string token;
+        std::vector<std::string> values;
+        while(std::getline(iss_line, token, '\t'))
+            {
+            static std::string const space(" ");
+            if(std::string::npos == token.find_first_not_of(space))
+                {
+                warning()
+                    << "Line #" << current_line << ": "
+                    << " (" << line << ") "
+                    << "has a value that contains no non-blank characters. "
+                    << "Last valid value, if any: " << values.back()
+                    << LMI_FLUSH
+                    ;
+// TODO ?? It would be better to use fatal_error() instead of
+// warning() followed by fatal_error() with a short string, but
+// apparently that can segfault with very long strings. Is there
+// a limit on exception size that should be tested here?
+                fatal_error() << "Invalid input." << LMI_FLUSH;
+                }
+            values.push_back(token);
+            }
+        if(values.size() != headers.size())
+            {
+            fatal_error()
+                << "Line #" << current_line << ": "
+                << "  (" << line << ") "
+                << "should have one value per column. "
+                << "Number of values: " << values.size() << "; "
+                << "number expected: " << headers.size() << "."
+                << LMI_FLUSH
+                ;
+            }
+        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < headers.size(); ++j)
+            {
+            current_cell[headers[j]] = values[j];
+            }
+        current_cell.Reconcile();
+        current_cell.RealizeAllSequenceInput();
+        cells.push_back(current_cell);
+        status() << "Added cell number " << cells.size() << '.' << std::flush;
+        wxSafeYield();
+        }
+    if(0 == current_line)
+        {
+        warning() << "No cells to paste." << LMI_FLUSH;
+        return;
+        }
+    if(!document().IsModified() && !document().GetDocumentSaved())
+        {
+        cell_parms().clear();
+        class_parms().clear();
+        class_parms().push_back(case_parms()[0]);
+        }
+    std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<Input> > iip(cell_parms());
+    std::copy(cells.begin(), cells.end(), iip);
+    document().Modify(true);
+    Update();
+    status() << std::flush;
+    LMI_ASSERT(!case_parms ().empty());
+    LMI_ASSERT(!cell_parms ().empty());
+    LMI_ASSERT(!class_parms().empty());

Property changes on: lmi/trunk/census_view_old.cpp
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: lmi/trunk/census_view_old.hpp
--- lmi/trunk/census_view_old.hpp                               (rev 0)
+++ lmi/trunk/census_view_old.hpp       2012-01-21 11:36:23 UTC (rev 5370)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// Census manager.
+// Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Gregory 
W. Chicares.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+// Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+// http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lmi
+// email: <address@hidden>
+// snail: Chicares, 186 Belle Woods Drive, Glastonbury CT 06033, USA
+// $Id$
+#ifndef census_view_old_hpp
+#define census_view_old_hpp
+#include "config.hpp"
+#include "view_ex.hpp"
+#include "input.hpp"
+#include "ledger.hpp"
+#include "mc_enum_type_enums.hpp" // enum mcenum_emission
+#include "obstruct_slicing.hpp"
+#include "uncopyable_lmi.hpp"
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <wx/defs.h> // wx shared-library 'attributes'
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+class CensusDocument;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxListEvent;
+class CensusView
+    :        public  ViewEx
+    ,        private lmi::uncopyable <CensusView>
+    ,virtual private obstruct_slicing<CensusView>
+    friend class CensusDocument;
+  public:
+    CensusView();
+    virtual ~CensusView();
+  private:
+    void DisplayAllVaryingData();
+    CensusDocument& document() const;
+    // ViewEx required implementation.
+    virtual wxWindow* CreateChildWindow();
+    virtual wxIcon Icon() const;
+    virtual wxMenuBar* MenuBar() const;
+    void UponAddCell                (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponBeginLabelEdit         (wxListEvent&); // TODO ?? Expunge.
+    void UponDeleteCells            (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponEditCell               (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponEditClass              (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponEditCase               (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponColumnWidthVarying     (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponColumnWidthFixed       (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponPasteCensus            (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponRightClick             (wxContextMenuEvent&);
+    void UponPrintCase              (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponPrintCaseToDisk        (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponRunCell                (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponRunCase                (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponRunCaseToSpreadsheet   (wxCommandEvent&);
+    void UponUpdateApplicable       (wxUpdateUIEvent&);
+    bool DoAllCells(mcenum_emission);
+    void Update();
+    void UpdatePreservingSelection();
+    void ViewOneCell(int);
+    void ViewComposite();
+    void apply_changes
+        (Input const& new_parms
+        ,Input const& old_parms
+        ,bool         for_this_class_only
+        );
+    std::vector<Input>&       case_parms();
+    std::vector<Input> const& case_parms() const;
+    std::vector<Input>&       cell_parms();
+    std::vector<Input> const& cell_parms() const;
+    std::vector<Input>&       class_parms();
+    std::vector<Input> const& class_parms() const;
+    std::string cell_title(int);
+    std::string class_title(int);
+    std::string class_name_from_cell_number(int) const;
+    Input* class_parms_from_class_name(std::string const&);
+    bool column_value_varies_across_cells
+        (std::string        const& header
+        ,std::vector<Input> const& cells
+        ) const;
+    int edit_parameters
+        (Input&             parameters
+        ,std::string const& name
+        );
+    void identify_varying_columns();
+    bool is_invalid();
+    int selected_column();
+    int selected_row();
+    void update_class_names();
+    bool all_changes_have_been_validated_;
+    bool composite_is_available_;
+    boost::shared_ptr<Ledger const> composite_ledger_;
+    std::vector<std::string> headers_of_varying_parameters_;
+    bool was_cancelled_;
+    wxListView* list_window_;
+#endif // census_view_old_hpp

Property changes on: lmi/trunk/census_view_old.hpp
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id

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