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[lmi-commits] [5530] Publish development notes

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi-commits] [5530] Publish development notes
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 16:40:16 +0000

Revision: 5530
Author:   chicares
Date:     2012-08-02 16:40:16 +0000 (Thu, 02 Aug 2012)
Log Message:
Publish development notes

Added Paths:

Added: lmi/trunk/gwc/develop0.txt
--- lmi/trunk/gwc/develop0.txt                          (rev 0)
+++ lmi/trunk/gwc/develop0.txt  2012-08-02 16:40:16 UTC (rev 5530)
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+  # Set up working environment for development
+  # Do this after running 'install_cygwin.bat' and 'install_msw.sh'
+  # To make sure Cygwin-1.5 and -1.7 both work, perform all steps
+  # in this file, for Cygwin-1.5 first; then remove the "C:\lmi"
+  # directory and perform them all again for Cygwin-1.7
+  # First of all, start bash to set up '~' directory
+  # (this might not have been done yet for Cygwin-1.5)
+  # Optionally mount an archive directory (assumed below--adjust prn)
+echo 'F:/gwc                    /archive       lmi_specific binary,user 0 0' 
>> /etc/fstab
+  # This alternative uses a network drive:
+#echo '//GWC/SharedDocs          /archive       lmi_specific binary,user 0 0' 
>> /etc/fstab
+  # If migrating from an old to a new machine, copy credentials
+  # to '~/.ssh' thus:
+pushd /archive/home
+cp --preserve --recursive .cvspass .ssh/ .subversion/ .zshrc ~
+  # Similarly, when replacing an old Cygwin installation whose
+  # personalized files aren't in an archive directory:
+pushd /cygdrive/c/OldCygwin/home/YourNameHere/
+cp --preserve --recursive .cvspass .ssh/ .subversion/ .zshrc ~
+  # Configure zsh (while still in bash)
+  # Use 'compinit -u' to avoid a "security" warning with Cygwin-1.5
+  # (securing shell history doesn't make msw secure)
+  #
+  # For bash, Cygwin's '/etc/profile' prepends this:
+  #   /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin: [1.5]
+  #   /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:                [1.7]
+  # to $PATH. Here, the (unnecessary) X directory is omitted,
+  #   /usr/sbin:/sbin:
+  # is added (inadvertently omitted from '/etc/profile'?), and
+  #   /opt/lmi/local/bin:/opt/lmi/local/lib
+  # is added to support lmi development.
+  #
+  # Key bindings are for mintty:
+  #   
+  # For msw console (not recommended), instead use:
+  #   bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line
+  #   bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line
+  #
+  # Adjust $coefficiency to suit the machine.
+/bin/cat >~/.zshrc <<\EOF
+export coefficiency='--jobs=12'
+bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char      # Del
+bindkey '\e[H' beginning-of-line # Home
+bindkey '\e[F' end-of-line       # End
+bindkey "^[[1;5D" backward-word  # Ctrl-left
+bindkey "^[[1;5C" forward-word   # Ctrl-right
+bindkey '\e[1;3D' backward-word  # Alt-left
+bindkey '\e[1;3C' forward-word   # Alt-right
+autoload -U compinit
+compinit -u
+  # Create a zsh-mintty shortcut--e.g., in:
+  #   C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu
+  # Target:
+  #   C:\cygwin-1_7\bin\mintty.exe /bin/zsh --login
+  # Start in:
+  #   C:\cygwin-1_7\bin
+  # and similarly for Cygwin 1.5
+  # Close bash; open zsh
+  # Configure ssh
+  # Create new credentials if necessary, if not copied elsewhence
+echo "Protocol 2" > ~/.ssh/config
+ssh-keygen -t dsa
+  # and register key here:
+  #   http://savannah.gnu.org/account/editsshkeys.php
+  # Check permissions; make sure they're not too open
+chown -R `whoami` ~/.ssh
+chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*
+stat --format=%a%n ~/.ssh/*
+  # All those files should have '600' permissions
+  # Initialize cvs (savannah webpages are on a cvs-only server)
+  # Nothing to do here: 'install_msw.sh' already created '~/.cvspass'
+  # but do this:
+touch ~/.cvspass
+  # iff that failed
+  # Test ssh
+eval `ssh-agent`
+ssh-agent $SHELL
+ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_dsa
+  [passphrase]
+  # If you see the following:
+The authenticity of host 'svn.savannah.nongnu.org (' can't be 
+RSA key fingerprint is 80:5a:b0:0c:ec:93:66:29:49:7e:04:2b:fd:ba:2c:d5.
+Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
+  # then answer 'yes' after verifying that the fingerprint matches exactly:
+  #   http://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/SshAccess
+  # to preclude a man-in-the-middle attack (you may be asked more than once)
+  # Similarly, try to access this URL:
+  # and follow the instructions here if needed:
+  # Initialize svn
+svn --help >/dev/null 2>&1
+sed -i ~/.subversion/config \
+  -e'/[[]miscellany[]]/s/$/\nuse-commit-times = yes\nenable-auto-props = yes/' 
+  -e'/[[]auto-props[]]/s/$/\n* = svn:keywords=Id/'
+  # Mirror online repositories
+  #
+  # 'install_cygwin.bat' already mounted /lmi/ for Cygwin-1.7;
+  # execute this command...
+mount -f -s -b "C:/lmi" "/lmi"
+  # ...for Cygwin-1.5 only
+mkdir --parents /lmi/mirror
+cd /lmi/mirror
+svn checkout http://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lmi/lmi/trunk lmi
+svn checkout http://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lmi/skeleton/trunk skeleton
+  # All savannah webpages are on a cvs-only server
+  # Use a subdirectory to avoid conflict on name 'lmi'
+  #
+  # If you're behind a draconian corporate firewall, you may need to
+  # use your ssh credentials instead of 'pserver' (cf. code below that
+  # creates a local working copy)
+mkdir --parents /lmi/mirror/web
+cd /lmi/mirror/web
+cvs -z3 -d:pserver:address@hidden:/web/lmi checkout lmi
+  # Create a local working copy
+  # Replace my name with yours wherever it occurs below
+  # All savannah webpages are on a cvs-only server
+  # Use a subdirectory to avoid conflict on name 'lmi'
+  # Handle cvs first--cvs has better error messages than svn
+mkdir --parents /lmi/src/web
+cd /lmi/src/web
+export CVS_RSH="ssh"
+export CVSROOT="address@hidden:/web/lmi"
+cvs -z3 checkout lmi
+  # For svn, nothing like $CVS_RSH or $CVSROOT is needed: that
+  # information is embedded in the working copy.
+  #
+  # The syntax varies among protocols:
+  #   svn checkout    http://         
svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lmi/lmi/trunk lmi
+  #   svn checkout     svn://         svn.savannah.nongnu.org    
/lmi/lmi/trunk lmi
+  #   svn checkout svn+ssh://address@hidden    /lmi/lmi/trunk lmi
+mkdir --parents /lmi/src
+cd /lmi/src
+svn checkout svn+ssh://address@hidden/lmi/lmi/trunk lmi
+  # [anticipate a "fingerprint" message here the first time]
+pushd lmi; svn propset svn:keywords "Id" . --recursive; popd
+svn checkout svn+ssh://address@hidden/lmi/skeleton/trunk skeleton
+pushd skeleton; svn propset svn:keywords "Id" . --recursive; popd
+  # Copy proprietary test data
+  # contents: most recent archive, or working copy of proprietary svn
+mkdir --parents /opt/lmi/test
+cp --preserve /archive/lmi/testdecks/* /opt/lmi/test
+  # contents: verifiable with shared 'md5sums'
+mkdir --parents /opt/lmi/touchstone
+cp --preserve /archive/lmi/touchstone/* /opt/lmi/touchstone
+  # Copy proprietary products
+  # contents: most recent archive, or working copy of proprietary svn
+mkdir --parents /lmi/src/products/src
+cp --preserve /archive/lmi/src/products/src/* /lmi/src/products/src
+  # 'install_msw.sh' already created the target directory
+  #
+  # contents: any '.dat' or '.ndx' file missing or differing from
+  # 'lmi-data*' in lmi's ftp area
+cp --preserve /archive/lmi/data/* /opt/lmi/data

Property changes on: lmi/trunk/gwc/develop0.txt
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: lmi/trunk/gwc/develop1.txt
--- lmi/trunk/gwc/develop1.txt                          (rev 0)
+++ lmi/trunk/gwc/develop1.txt  2012-08-02 16:40:16 UTC (rev 5530)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+  # Set up my customary working environment (prerequisite: 'develop0')
+  # Work with multiple screens
+  #
+  # Only a few commands are used in each screen
+  # often they're readily selectable from history
+  # First screen: only for committing to repository
+  # Initialize session
+cd /lmi/src/lmi
+eval `ssh-agent`
+ssh-agent $SHELL
+ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_dsa
+  [passphrase]
+  # At end of session, terminate ssh so that no one can impersonate you
+ssh-add -D
+ssh-agent -k > /dev/null 2>&1
+  # In between...
+  # ...commit a change
+svn commit -m "Modify foo" foo.cpp
+  # ...rename a file [pending--resolved at next 'commit', as for 'add']
+  # [for cvs, add and delete--unlike svn, not an atomic operation]
+svn mv lmi.rc lmi_msw_res.rc
+svn commit -m"Rename msw resource file" lmi_msw_res.rc lmi.rc
+  # ...merge two files together, deleting the unwanted one
+svn remove dbdict.cpp
+svn mv ihs_dbdict.cpp dbdict.cpp
+  # Make a patch against repository from local tree
+  # suitable for pasting into 'ChangeLog'
+svn diff file0.cpp file1.cpp >/dev/clipboard
+cvs diff -U3 file0.cpp file1.cpp >/dev/clipboard
+  # Roll a file back to an earlier revision
+svn merge -r HEAD:5141 census_view.cpp
+  # Make a list of files modified in local tree,
+  # suitable for pasting into 'ChangeLog'
+for z in *; do [ ! -d $z ] && [ $z -nt ../../mirror/lmi/$z ] && echo "  $z"; 
done >> /dev/clipboard
+  # Update the local source tree (where I make my own changes)
+  # when someone else has committed a change.
+svn status --show-updates
+svn update
+  # Set local timestamps to match repository
+  # (this should be necessary only if your clock is unsynchronized)
+  #
+  # This is slow, so consider specifying the names of changed files
+  # instead of using '*' at the beginning
+  #
+  # ...for svn:
+for z in * ; do grep --quiet --files-with-matches '$Id:' $z && touch 
"--date=$(<$z sed -e'/$Id:/!d' |sed -e's/^.* [0-9][0-9]* \([0-9]\{4\}[-0-9: 
]*\).*$/\1/')" $z && date -u +'%Y%m%dT%H%MZ' -r $z; done;
+  # ...for cvs:
+for z in * ; do grep --quiet --files-with-matches '$Id:' $z && touch 
"--date=$(<$z sed -e'/$Id:/!d' |sed -e's/^.*\([0-9]\{4\}[0-9\/: ]*\) .*$/\1/')" 
$z && date -u +'%Y%m%dT%H%MZ' -r $z; done;
+  # Second screen: only for updating local shadow copy of repository
+  #
+  # I use the last line repeatedly to keep my local shadow copy current
+cd /lmi/mirror/lmi
+svn status --show-updates
+svn update
+  # Similarly, for webpages repository
+cd /lmi/checkouts/current/web
+cvs -z3 update -l lmi
+  # Third screen: only for building and testing
+cd /lmi/src/lmi
+make $coefficiency install check_physical_closure >../log 2>&1
+make $coefficiency cgi_tests cli_tests gpt_server_tests >../log 2>&1
+make $coefficiency system_test >../log 2>&1
+make $coefficiency unit_tests >../log 2>&1
+  # Run a single unit test
+make $coefficiency unit_tests unit_test_targets=regex_test.exe >../log 2>&1
+  # Build with a compiler other than gcc
+make -f bcc_5_5_1.make $coefficiency unit_tests >../log 2>&1
+make -f como.make $coefficiency unit_tests >../log 2>&1
+  # Test xml schemata
+pushd /tmp; /lmi/src/lmi/test_schemata.sh >/lmi/src/log 2>&1; popd
+  # Fourth screen: only for checking
+cd /lmi/src/lmi
+make $coefficiency check_concinnity >../log 2>&1
+sed -f diagnostics.sed ../log 2>&1 |less -S
+  # Copy date to clipboard for pasting into 'ChangeLog'
+date -u +'%Y%m%dT%H%MZ' |tr -d '\n' >/dev/clipboard
+  # Fifth screen: only for running lmi
+cd /opt/lmi/bin
+./lmi_wx_shared --ash_nazg --data_path=/opt/lmi/data

Property changes on: lmi/trunk/gwc/develop1.txt
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: lmi/trunk/gwc/develop2.txt
--- lmi/trunk/gwc/develop2.txt                          (rev 0)
+++ lmi/trunk/gwc/develop2.txt  2012-08-02 16:40:16 UTC (rev 5530)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+  # Work with proprietary repository (prerequisite: 'develop0')
+  # Create a brand-new repository
+svnadmin create /lmi/src/products/src/repository
+svn import /lmi/src/products/src/clean-src 
file:///lmi/src/products/src/repository/src -m "Initial import"
+svn import /lmi/src/products/src/clean-data 
file:///lmi/src/products/src/repository/data -m "Initial import"
+svnadmin verify /lmi/src/products/src/repository
+mkdir /lmi/src/products/src/tmp/working_copy
+cd /lmi/src/products/src/tmp/working_copy
+svn checkout file:///lmi/src/products/src/repository
+  # Check out a working copy
+svnadmin verify /lmi/src/products/src/repository-20120403T1557Z/repository
+mkdir /lmi/src/products/src/tmp/working_copy_tmp_20120403
+cd    /lmi/src/products/src/tmp/working_copy_tmp_20120403
+svn checkout file:///lmi/src/products/src/repository-20120403T1557Z/repository
+  # Test concinnity (before every commit)
+cd repository/data/
+cd ../data; make src_dir=/lmi/src/lmi -f /lmi/src/lmi/GNUmakefile 
check_concinnity 2>&1 |less -S
+cd ../src ; make src_dir=/lmi/src/lmi -f /lmi/src/lmi/GNUmakefile 
check_concinnity 2>&1 |less -S
+cd ../test; make src_dir=/lmi/src/lmi -f /lmi/src/lmi/GNUmakefile 
check_concinnity 2>&1 |less -S

Property changes on: lmi/trunk/gwc/develop2.txt
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id

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