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[lmi-commits] [lmi] master 690194e 2/2: Revisit yesterday's segfault, ph

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi-commits] [lmi] master 690194e 2/2: Revisit yesterday's segfault, phase II of II
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2017 13:33:04 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 690194ecba42c34fe75171c8c55a5cc66c074eb0
Author: Gregory W. Chicares <address@hidden>
Commit: Gregory W. Chicares <address@hidden>

    Revisit yesterday's segfault, phase II of II
    Removed the old code and the testing framework from phase I.
 group_quote_pdf_gen_wx.cpp | 95 ++--------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

diff --git a/group_quote_pdf_gen_wx.cpp b/group_quote_pdf_gen_wx.cpp
index 95ea992..a5ff966 100644
--- a/group_quote_pdf_gen_wx.cpp
+++ b/group_quote_pdf_gen_wx.cpp
@@ -195,58 +195,6 @@ wxString name_value_as_html_table_data
-/// Generate HTML representation of a field name and value in an HTML table and
-/// append it to the specified string, defining the HTML.
-/// The HTML fragment generated by this function contains two <td> tags with
-/// the given contents.
-void append_name_value_to_html_table
-    (wxString& html_table
-    ,std::string const& name
-    ,std::string const& value
-    )
-    html_table += wxString::Format
-        ("<td nowrap align=\"right\"><b>%s%s&nbsp;&nbsp;</b></td>"
-         "<td>%s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>"
-        ,escape_for_html_elem(name)
-        ,(value.empty() ? "" : ":")
-        ,escape_for_html_elem(value)
-        );
-/// Append the given tag to the string and ensure that the matching closing tag
-/// will be appended to it later.
-/// This helper class helps with not forgetting the closing tags in the
-/// generated HTML. It doesn't actually make it impossible to forget them (this
-/// would require much heavier API and seems not to be worth it), but makes it
-/// less likely.
-class open_and_ensure_closing_tag
-  public:
-    open_and_ensure_closing_tag(wxString& html, char const* tag)
-        :html_(html)
-        ,tag_(tag)
-    {
-        html_ << "<" << tag_ << ">";
-    }
-    ~open_and_ensure_closing_tag()
-    {
-        html_ << "</" << tag_ << ">";
-    }
-  private:
-    open_and_ensure_closing_tag(open_and_ensure_closing_tag const&) = delete;
-    open_and_ensure_closing_tag& operator=(open_and_ensure_closing_tag const&) 
= delete;
-    wxString& html_;
-    wxString const tag_;
 /// Simple description of a custom field, consisting of a non-empty name and a
 /// possibly empty string value.
@@ -1248,50 +1196,15 @@ void 
     std::vector<extra_summary_field> const& f = report_data_.extra_fields_;
     fields.insert(fields.end(), f.begin(), f.end());
-    // TRICKY !! This for-statement deliberately does not increment
-    // 'i' at the top. Instead, 'i' is incremented in the body of the
-    // subordinate for-statement that iterates across 'col'.
-    wxString extra_fields;
-    for(auto i = fields.begin(); i != fields.end();)
-        {
-        // Start a new table row and ensure it will be closed.
-        open_and_ensure_closing_tag tag_tr(extra_fields, "tr");
-        // Add one (if there is only one) or two fields to this new row.
-        for(int col = 0; col < 2; ++col)
-            {
-            append_name_value_to_html_table(extra_fields, i->name, i->value);
-            if(++i == fields.end())
-                {
-                break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    wxString Y;
     bool parity = true;
     for(auto const& i : fields)
-        Y += parity ? "<tr>" : "";
-        Y += name_value_as_html_table_data(i.name, i.value);
-        Y += parity ? "" : "</tr>";
+        summary_html += parity ? "<tr>" : "";
+        summary_html += name_value_as_html_table_data(i.name, i.value);
+        summary_html += parity ? "" : "</tr>";
         parity = !parity;
-    Y += parity ? "" : "</tr>";
-    if(Y != extra_fields)
-        {
-        warning()
-            << fields.size() << " fields.size()\n"
-            << extra_fields << " extra_fields\n"
-            << Y << " Y\n"
-            << LMI_FLUSH
-            ;
-        }
-    LMI_ASSERT(Y == extra_fields);
-    summary_html += extra_fields;
+    summary_html += parity ? "" : "</tr>";
     // Finally close the summary table.
     summary_html += "</table>";

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